Alliance for Romania
Alianța pentru România (ApR)
Splinter of the Party of Social Democracy in Romania (PDSR); absorbed into National Liberal Party; active June, 1997–August, 2001
Civic Alliance Party
Partidul Alianța Civică (PAC)
Absorbed into National Liberal Party; active 1991–1998
Civic Force
Forța Civică (FC)
Absorbed into Democratic Liberal Party; active 2004–2014
Conservative Party
Partidul Conservator (PC)
Founded as the Romanian Humanist Party; merged into the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats; active 1991–2015
Democratic Agrarian Party of Romania
Partidul Democrat Agrar din România (PDAR)
Merged into the Romanian National Party; active 1990–1998
Democratic Force
Forţa Democrată (FD)
Created by former members of the Democratic Party; active 2004–2013
Democratic Liberal Party
Partidul Democrat Liberal (PDL)
Absorbed into National Liberal Party; active 2007–2014
Democratic National Salvation Front
Frontul Democrat al Salvării Naționale (FDSN)
Splinter of the National Salvation Front, merged into the Party of Social Democracy in Romania; active 1992–1993
Democratic Party
Partidul Democrat (PD)
Created as the National Salvation Front, merged into the Democratic Liberal Party; active 1990–2007
Democratic Party of Labour
Partidul Democrat al Muncii (PDM)
Merged into the Democratic Party; active 1990–1994
Democratic Union of the Roma of Romania
Uniunea Democratică a Romilor din România (UDRR)
Active 1990–1992
Ecological Federation of Romania
Federația Ecologistă din România (FER)
Splinter of Ecological Federation of Romania, absorbed into People's Action; active 1990–2004
Ecological Movement of Romania
Mișcarea Ecologistă din România (MER)
Absorbed into Ecological Federation of Romania; active 1990–1998
Ecologist Union of Romania Party
Partidul Uniunea Ecologistă din România (PUER)
Absorbed into Ecologist Party of Romania; active March–August 2012
Everything For the Country Party
Partidul "Totul Pentru Țară (PTT)
Dissolved; active 1993–2015
Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party
Partidul Libertate, Unitate și Solidaritate (PLUS)
Merged into Save Romania Union; active 2018–2020
Liberal Democratic Party
Partidul Liberal Democrat (PLD)
Splinter of the Democratic Party, merged into the Democratic Liberal Party; active 2006–2007
Liberal Party
Partidul Liberal (PL)
Absorbed into the National Liberal Party; active 1997–1998
Liberal Party 1993
Partidul Liberal 1993 (PL '93)
Merged into the Liberal Party; active 1993–1997
Liberal Reformist Party
Partidul Liberal Reformator (PLR)
Splinter of the National Liberal Party, merged into the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats; active 2014–2015
Liberal Union–Bratiănu
Liberal Union–Brătianu (UL-B)
Splinter of the National Liberal Party; active 1990–2003
Merged into The Right Alternative; active 2015–2019
National Alliance Party
Partidul Alianța Națională (PAN)
Merged into Democratic Party; active 2000–2001
National Christian Democratic Alliance
Alianța Natională Creștin Democrată (ANCD)
Splinter of the Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party, rejoined the main party; active 1999–2001
National Christian Democratic Party
Partidul Național Democrat Creștin (PNDC)
Active 1990–2014
National Democratic Party
Partidul Național Democrat (PND)
Merged into the Party of the Social-Democratic Unity; active 1990–1992
National Initiative Party
Partidul Inițiativa Națională (PIN)
Create by former members of the Democratic Party, absorbed into the National Union for the Progress of Romania; active 2005–2011
National Liberal Party-Câmpeanu
Partidul Național-Liberal-Câmpeanu (PNL-C)
Splinter of the National Liberal Party, rejoined the main party; active 1995–2003
National Liberal Party-Democratic Convention
Partidul Național Liberal - Convenţia Democrată (PNL-CD)
Splinter of the National Liberal Party, merged into the Liberal Party; active 1991–1997
National Liberal Party Youth Wing
Partidul Național-Liberal Aripa Tînără (PNL-AT)
Splinter of the National Liberal Party, merged into the Liberal Party 1993; active 1990–1992
National Reconstruction Party of Romania
Partidul Reconstrucției Naționale a României (PRNR)
Merged into Democratic Agrarian Party of Romania; active 1990–1992
National Salvation Front–Social Democratic
Frontul Salvării Naţionale–Social Democrat (FSN–SD)
Splinter of the National Salvation Front, merged into the Party of the Social-Democratic Unity; active 1991–1992
New Romania Party
Partidul Noua Românie (PNR)
Merged into the Romanian National Party; active 1994–1998
Party of Free Change
Partidul Liber-Schimbist (PL-S)
Active 1990–1996
Party of Young Free Democrats of Romania
Partidul Tineretului Liber Democrat din Romania (PTLD)
Merged into the Republican Party (1990); active 1990–1992
Party of Social Democracy in Romania
Partidul Democrației Sociale din România (PSDR)
Merged into the Social Democratic Party; active 1993–2001
Party of Romanian Life
Partidul Vieții Românești (PVR)
Active 2000–2002
Party of the Social Democratic Unity
Partidul Unității Social Democrate (PUSD)
Merged into the Democratic Party; active 1992–1995
People's Action
Acțiunea Populară (AP)
Splinter of the Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party, merged into the National Liberal Party; active 2003–2008
People's Party
Partidul Popular (PP)
Merged into the National Liberal Party; active 2003–2014
People's Party – Dan Diaconescu
Partidul Poporului – Dan Diaconescu (PP-DD)
Absorbed into the National Union for the Progress of Romania; active 2011–2015
Republican Party (1990)
Partidul Republican (PR)
Merged into the Party of Social Democracy in Romania (PDSR); active 1990–1993
Republican Party (1993)
Partidul Republican (PR)
Created by former members of the Republican Party (1990); active 1993–2003
Republican Party (2004)
Partidul Republican (PR)
Created as the Party of the Third Millennium, renamed in 2005; active 2004–2007
Romanian Democratic Front
Frontul Democrat Român (FDR)
Merged into the Democratic Party; active 1990–1997
Romanian Liberal Democratic Party
Partidul Liberal Democrat Român (PLDR)
Created by former members of the Liberal Party, merged into the Greater Romania Party; active 1999–2002
Romanian National Party
Partidul Național Român (PNR)
Merged into the National Alliance Party; active 1998–2000
Romanian National Unity Party
Partidul Unității Naționale a Românilor / Partidul Unității Națiunii Române (PUNR)
Merged into the National Alliance Party in 2000; re-emerged as a distinct party in 2001; merged into the Conservative Party in 2006; active 1990–2000, 2001–2006
Romanian Rebirth Party
Partidul Renașterea Românească (PRR)
Active 2004–2013
Romanian Social Democratic Party
Partidul Social Democrat Român (PSDR)
Merged into the Social Democratic Party; active 1990–2001
Romanian Social Party
Partidul Social Românesc (PSRO)
Created as Romanian Democratic Union, name changed in 2015; active 2013–2018
Romanian Socialist Democratic Party
Partidul Socialist Democratic Român (PSDR)
Merged into the Party of Social Democracy in Romania (PDSR); active 1990–1993
Romanian Socialist Party (1992)
Partidul Socialist Român (PSR)
Active 1992–2013
Social Protection People's Party
Partidul Popular și al Protecției Sociale (PPPS)
Absorbed into National Union for the Progress of Romania; active 1994–2011
Save Bucharest Union
Uniunea Salvaţi Bucureştiul (USB)
Absorbed into the Save Romania Union; active 2015–2016
Socialist Alliance Party
Partidul Alianța Socialistă (PAS)
Created by former members of the Socialist Party of Labour, merged into the Socialist Alternative Party; active 2004–2013
Socialist Party of Labour
Partidul Socialist al Muncii (PSM)
Absorbed into the Social Democratic Party; active 1990–2003
Union for Romanian Reconstruction
Uniunea pentru Reconstrucția României (URR)
Absorbed into Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party; active 2002–2005
Union of Right-Wing Forces
Uniunea Forțelor de Dreapta (UFD)
Founded as Alternative for Romania Party (Partidul Alternativa României, PAR), changed its name to UFD in 2000, absorbed into National Liberal Party in April 2003; active 1996–2003
Workers' Social Democratic Party
Partidul Social Democrat al Muncitorilor (PSDM)
Created by former members of the Romanian Social Democratic Party as the Social Democratic Party "Constantin Titel Petrescu", renamed in 2011; active 2003–2013
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats
Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților (ALDE)
Absorbed into the National Liberal Party (PNL); active 2015–2022
United Romania Party
Partidul România Unită (PRU)
Active 2015–2019
Party of the Revolution
Partidul Revoluției (PR)
Active 2016
United Left Party
Partidul Stângii Unite (PSU)
Active 2005
Social Democratic Workers' Party
Partidul Social Democrat al Muncitorilor (PSDM)
Active 2015
New Generation Party-Christian Democratic
Partidul Noua Generație-Creștin Democrat (PNG-CD)
Active 1999–2012
Social Christian People's Union
Uniunea Populară Social Creștină (UPSC)
Active 2006–2021
Hungarian Civic Party
Partidul Civic Maghiar
Merged into the Hungarian Alliance of Transylvania; active 2008–2022
Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania
Partidul Popular Maghiar din Transilvania (PPMT)
Merged into the Hungarian Alliance of Transylvania; active 2011–2022
Alternative for National Dignity
Alternativa pentru Demnitate Națională (ADN)
Active 2018–2022
National Rebirth Alliance
Alianța Renașterea Națională (ARN)
Active 2019–2024, merged into the Romanian National Conservative Party
"Prahova in Action" Party
Partidul Prahova în Acțiune
Active 2020–2022
Party of Ialomițans
Partidul Ialomițenilor (PI)
Active 2021–2022
Party of the Romanian Nation
Partidul Neamul Românesc (NR)
Active 2021–2022
RE:Start Romania Party
Partidul RE:Start Romania
Active 2020–2022
Republican Party of Romania
Partidul Republican din România
Active 2020–2022
Național Peasants' Party Maniu-Mihalache
Partidul Național Țărănesc Maniu-Mihalache (PNȚMM)
Active 2020–2022
ADER Party for Democracy, Education and Reconstruction
Partidul Ader la Democrație, Educație și Reconstrucție (ADER)
Active 2019–2022
Independent Union for Sighișoara
Uniunea Independentă pentru Sighișoara (UIPS)
Active 2020–2022
Phralipe Party of the Romania
Partidul Phralipe al Romilor (PPR)
Active 2020–2022
"Together for Moldova" Party
Partidul Impreuna pentru Moldova (IPM)
Active 2019–2022
Pătârlagele Initiative
Inițiativa Pătârlagele (iPTG)
Active 2020–2022
Bloc for National Unity
Blocul Unității Naționale (BUN)
Active 2020–2022
Liberal Right
Dreapta Liberală (DL)
Active 2019–2022
Christian Democratic Union of Romania
Uniunea Creștin-Democrată din România (UCDR)
Active 2021–2022
European Romania Party
Partidul România Europeană (PRE)
Active 2020–2022
PACT for Galați
PACT pentru Galați
Active 2021–2022
Banat Party
Partidul Banatului (PB)
Active 2018–2022
Union for Bucovina
Uniunea pentru Bucovina (UB)
Active 2019–2022
Our Otopeni Initiative
Inițiativa Otopeniul Nostru (ION)
Active 2020–2022
National Alliance for Farmers
Alianța Națională an Agricultorilor (ANA)
Active 2020–2022
Alliance for the Unity for Rroma
Alianța pentru Unitatea Rromilor (AURr)
Active 2021–2022
Romanian National Party
Partidul Național Român (PNR)
Active 2020–2022
"National Force" Party
Partidul Forța Națională (PFN)
Active 2020–2022