Daniel Jenifer Adams, Enoch Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Thomas Anderson, William Anderson, Caleb Prew Bennett, James Campbell, John Driskill, Henry Duff, Reuben Gilder, David Hall, Joseph Hossman, John Vance Hyatt, Peter Jacquett Jr., James Jones, Charles Kidd, David Kirkpatrick, Robert Henry Kirkwood, Henry Latimer, John Learmonth, William McKennan, Allen (Allan) McLane, Stephen McWilliam, Nathaniel Mitchell, George Monro, James Moore, John Patten, John Platt, Charles Pope, George Purvis, Edward Roche, Ebenezer Augustus Smith, James Tilton, Nathaniel Twinning, Joseph Vaughan, William Adams (son of Nathan Adams), and Joseph Haslet (son of John Haslet).
John Eccleston, John Nicholson, Henry Hardman, John Davidson, William D. Beall, William Brown, John Cotes, Richard Dorsey, David Morrow, Ezekiel Hayne, Thomas Boyd, Samuel Morrow, James Armstrong, Thomas Mason, Samuel McPherson, Henry Baldwin, James Bracco, John Hamilton, William Campbell, George Hamilton, John L. Elbert, Nicholas Ricketts, David Hopkins, Basil Burgess, Thomas Price, James Smith, Jonathan Morris, Edward Hall, Isaac Rawlings, Edward OJdham, William Reily, John Kilty, John Jordan, Perry Benson, Michael Boyer, John J. Jacobs, Edward Dyer, Philip Reed, Samuel Hanson, Arthur Harris, Samuel B. Beall, Edward Spurrier, John Brevitt, William Pendergast, Thomas Rouse, William Kilty, Francis Revelly, Thomas Bealty, Mark McPherson, Henry Gaither, John Sears, Christopher Richmond, Edward Compton, Samuel F. Keene, John Sprigg Belt, John Hughes, Benjamin Price, James Bruff, William Bruce, Elisha Harrison, Adamson Tannehill, John D. Carey, James Mann, John Gassaway, Thomas A. Dyson, Henry Clements, Samuel Edrniston, John T. Lowe, William Smoote, Elihu Hall, Malachi Bonham, Hezekiah Ford, Gerard Wood, Henry H. Chapman, Isaac Hanson, Benjamin Fickle, Richard Anderson, John Smith, James W. Gray, John Mitchell, Nathan Wright, William Goldsborough, Walter Muse, James Baques, Clement Skerrett, Henry Gassaway, Bobert Gerry, Edward Pratt, Horatio Clagett, John Swan, Rezin Davis, James McFadon, Mountjoy Bailey, Paul Bentalou, John Carlisle, Archibald McAllister, John Gale, Eichard Waters, George Handy, John Trueman, Gassaway Watkins, Joseph Smith, Levin Denwood, Alexander Trueman, Joseph Cross, John Smith, James Somerville, Ebenezer Denny, James G. Heron, Daniel Jenifer, Richard Pindell, Jonathan Sellman, Walter Warfield, Thomas Woolford, Benjamin Brooks, Lilburn W. Williams, James Ewing, Eichard Chiderson, James Winchester, Samuel T. Wright, George Winchester, David Luckett, Osborn Williams, John Lynn, Joshua Rutledge, Philip Hill, Peregrine Fitzhugh, John Lynch.
Stephen Abbot, Jeduthan Baldwin, John Brooks, Henry Burbeck, David Cobb, John Crane, Thomas Humphrey Cushing, William Eustis, Constant Freeman, John Greaton, Africa Hamlin, William Heath, William Hull, Thomas Hunt, Henry Knox,[6]Henry Jackson, Michael Jackson, Simon Larned, Benjamin Lincoln, Samuel Nicholson, William North, Alexander Oliver, Rufus Putnam, William Shepard, William Stacy, Benjamin Tupper, Elisha Horton, Abraham Williams, John Yeomans, Dr. Abijah Richardson.
OM Abbot, Josiah, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Abbot, Stephen, Capt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Adams, Henry, Surg. [S] 6th Reg, MCL
OM Adams, Henry, Surgeon 6th Reg. MCL
OM Alden, Judah, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Allen, Nathaniel Coit, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Allen, Noah, Maj. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Allen, Noah, Maj. [S] 1st Reg. MCL
OM Ames, Jotham, 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Andrews, William, 1st Lt. * 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Armstrong, Samuel, 2nd Lt.* 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Ashley, Moses, Maj. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Austin, John, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Bailey, Adams, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Bailey, Luther, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Balcom, Joseph, Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Baldwin, Jeduthan, Col. Corps of Engineers
OM Ballantine, Ebenezer, Surg. Mate 6th Reg. MCL
OM Ballard, William Hudson, Maj. 15th Reg. MCL
OM Bancroft, James, Lt. (son of James) 8th Reg. MCL
OM Barlow, Joel Chap. Massachusetts Cont. Brigade (end of war)
OM Bassett, Barachiah, Lt. Col. 14th Reg. MCL
OM Bates, Joseph, Capt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Baury de Bellerive, Louis, Capt. Chausseurs de San Domingo, French
OM Baylies, Hodijah, Maj. Aide-de-Camp to General Washington
OM Benson, Joshua, Jr., Capt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Blake, Edward, Jr., 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Blanchard, John, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Blodget, Caleb, Lt. 1st Reg. New Hampshire Cont. Line
OM Bowles, Ralph Hart, 1st Lt. Jackson's Additional Continenatl Reg.
OM Bowman, Samuel, Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Bradford, Andrew, Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Bradford, Gamaliel, Col. 14th Reg. MCL
OM Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr., Lt. Jackson's Additional Cont. Reg.
OM Bradford, Robert, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Bramhall, Joshua, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Brigham, Origin, Surg. Mate 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Brooks, John, Lt. Col. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Brown, Ebenezer, Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Brown, Oliver, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Bugbee, Edward, Lt. 2nd Canadian Cont. Reg.
OM Bullard, Asa, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Burbeck, Henry, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Burnam, John, Maj. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Bussey, Isaiah, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Callender, John, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Carleton, Moses, Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Carleton, Osgood, 1st Lt. Corps of Invalids – Quartermaster
OM Castaing, Peter la Grace, (Pierre) 1st Lt. Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Duportail (Fr.)
OM Chambers, Matthew, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Chapin, Samuel, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Clap, Caleb, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Clap, Joshua, Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Clayes, Peter, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Cobb, David, Lt. Col. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Cogswell, Amos, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Cogswell, Samuel, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Cogswell, Thomas, Lt. Col. 15th Reg. MCL
OM Condy, Thomas Hollis, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Cook, David, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Cooper, Ezekiel, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Cooper, Samuel, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Crane, John, Col. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Crane, John, Surgeon 6th Reg. MCL
OM Crocker, Joseph, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Crowley, Florence, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Cushing, Nathaniel, Brig., Maj. 1st Reg MCL
OM Cushing, Thomas Humphrey, 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Dana, Benjamin, 1st Lt. 13th Reg. MCL
OM Danforth, Joshua, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Daniels, Japheth, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Darby, Samuel, Maj. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Davis, Ebenezer, Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Davis, James, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Davis, John, Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Dean, Walter, Capt. 10th Reg. MCL
OM Dix, Nathan, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Dodge, Levi, 2nd Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Dolliver, Peter, Capt. Jackson's Additional Cont. Reg.
OM Donnell, Nathaniel, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Drew, Seth, Maj. App Out 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Duffield, John, Surgeon 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Eaton, Benjamin, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Edwards, Thomas, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Egleston, Azariah, Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Emerson, Nehemiah, Capt. [S] 10th Reg. MCL
OM Emery, Ephraim, Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Eustis, William, Hosp. Surgeon Hospital Dept.
OM Everett, Pelatiah, 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Eysandeau, William [Guillaume], Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL [Fr?]
OM Felt, Jonathan, Capt. * 7th Reg. MCL
OM Fernald, Tobias, Lt. Col. 10th Reg. MCL
OM Finley, James Edward Burr, Surgeon 4th Reg. MCL
OM Finley, Samuel, Jr., Surgeon 7th Reg. MCL
OM Fisk, Joseph, Surgeon 1st Reg. MCL
OM Floyd, Ebenezer, Ens. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Foster, Elisha, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Foster, Thomas, Lt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Fowle, John, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Freeman, Constant, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Freeman, Thomas Davis, Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Frink, Samuel, Ens. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Frost, Samuel, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Frothingham, Benjamin, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Frye, Frederick, Ens. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Fuller, John, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Gardner, James, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Garret, Andrew, Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM George, John, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Gibbs, Caleb, Maj. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Gilbert, Benjamin, Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Goodale, Nathan, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Goodwin, Francis LeBaron, Surg. Mate 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Greaton, John, Brig. Gen. Cont. Army
OM Greaton, John Wheelwright, Ens. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Greaton, Richard Humphrey, Ens. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Green, Francis, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Greenleaf, William, 1st Lt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Gridley, John, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Hall, James, Capt. Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Hamlin, Africa, Ens. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Hancock, Belcher, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Hart, John, Surgeon 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Hartshorn, Thomas, Capt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Harvey, Elisha, Capt. Lt. 2nd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Haskell, Elnathan, Brev. Maj. Jackson's Additional Cont. Reg.
OM Haskell, Jonathan, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Hastings, John, Capt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Heath, William, Maj. Gen. Cont. Army
OM Heywood, Benjamin, Capt. (Heyward) 6th Reg. MCL
OM Hildreth, William, Lt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Hill, Jeremiah, 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Hinds, Bartlett, Capt. 10th Reg. MCL
OM Hiwell, John, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Hobby, John, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Holbrook, David, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Holden, Aaron, 1st Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Holden, Abel, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Holden, John, Jr., 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Holden, Levi, 1st Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Holland, Ivory, 1st Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Holland, Park, Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Hollister, Jesse, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Homans, John, Surg. 2nd Reg. Cont. Dragoons
OM Homans, John, Surg. [S] 2nd Reg. Cont. Dragoons
OM Hooker, Zibeon, 1st Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Horton, Elisha, Ens. 12th Reg. MCL
OM Houdin, Michael Gabriel, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Howe, Richard Surcomb, Ens. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Hull, William, Lt. Col. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Hunt, Abraham, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Hunt, Ephraim, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Hunt, Thomas, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Hurd, John, Jr., Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Ingersoll, George, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Jackson, Amasa, Ens. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Jackson, Charles, Ens. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Jackson, Daniel, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Jackson, Ebenezer, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Jackson, Henry, Col. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Jackson, Michael Brevet Maj. Gen. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Jackson, Michael, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Jackson, Simon, Capt. Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Jackson, Thomas, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Jefferds, Samuel, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Johnston, John, Capt. Lt. Knox's Artillery
OM Killam, Joseph, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM King, Zebulon, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Knapp, Moses, Maj. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Knowles, Charles, Capt., Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Knox, Henry, Maj. Gen Cont. Army
OM Larned, Simon, Capt. Aide-de-Camp to General Glover
OM Laughton, William (Lawton),Surg. Mate 5th Reg. MCL
OM Leavenworth, Nathaniel, Surg. Mate 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Lee, Daniel, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Lee, William Raymond, Col. Lee's Additional Cont. Reg.
OM Leland, Joseph, 1st Lt. * 8th Reg. MCL
OM Leonard, Jacob, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Leverett, William, Lt. Jackson's Additional Cont. Reg.
OM Lillie, John, Brev. Maj. Aide-de-Camp to General Knox
OM Lincoln, Benjamin, Maj. Gen. Cont. Army
OM Lincoln, Rufus, Capt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Liswell, John, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Lithgow, William, Maj. 11th Reg. MCL
OM Lockwood, William, Brig. Chap. 1st Massachusetts Cont. Brigade
OM Lord, Jeremiah, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Lovell, James, Ens. Lee's Battalion of Light Dragoons
OM Lunt, Daniel, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Lyman, Cornelius, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Marble, Henry, 2nd Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Mason, David, Jr., Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Maxwell, Hugh, Lt. Col. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Maynard, John, Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Maynard, Jonathan, Capt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Maynard, William, Lt. Corps of Invalids – wounded at Bunker Hill
OM McCay [M’Cay], Daniel, Ens. 1st Reg. MCL
OM McKendry, William, 2nd Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Means, James, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Mellish, Samuel, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Miller, Jeremiah, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Miller, Joseph, 2nd Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Mills, John, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Mills, William, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Mooers, Benjamin, Lt. 2nd Canadian Cont. Reg.
OM Moor, William, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Moore, William, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Morgan, Benjamin, Surg. Mate 1st Reg. MCL
OM Morrill, Amos, Maj. Reid's New Hampshire Cont. Battalion
OM Morton, Silas, 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Myrick, Samuel, 2nd Lt. * 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Nason, Nathaniel, 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Nelson, Henry, Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Newhall, Ezra, Lt. Col. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Newman, Samuel, Lt. Cont. Navy
OM Nicholson, Samuel, Capt. Cont. Navy
OM Nixon, Thomas, Col. 6th Reg. MCL
OM North, William, Capt. Aide-de-Camp to General Steuben
OM Oliver, Alexander, Ens. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Robert Oliver, Maj. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Pardee, Aaron, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Parker, Benjamin, 1st Lt. 9th Reg. MCL
OM Parker, Elias J., 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Paterson, John Brig. Gen. Cont. Army
OM Peabody, Ebenezer, 1st Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Peirce, John, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Peirce, Silas, Capt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Perkins, William, Maj. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Peters, Andrew, Lt. Col. 15th Reg. MCL
OM Pettengill, Joseph, Maj. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Phelon, Edward, Lt. Aide-de-Camp to General Rufus Putnam
OM Phelon, John, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Phelon, Patrick, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Pickering, Timothy, Col. * Quartermaster General, Cont. Army
OM Pierce, Benjamin, Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Pike, Benjamin, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Pope, Isaac, Maj. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Popkin, John, Lt. Col. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Porter, Benjamin Jones, Surg. Mate 4th Reg. MCL
OM Pratt, Joel, Lt. * 4th Reg. MCL
OM Pray, John, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Prescott, Joseph, Surg. Mate Hospital Dept.
OM Price, William, 1st Lt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Putnam, Rufus, Brig. Gen. Cont. Army
OM Randall, Thomas, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Rawson, Jeduthan, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Reab, George, Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Remich, Timothy, Maj. 1st Reg. MCL – Brigade Major
OM Remich, Timothy, Maj. [S] 1st Reg. MCL – Brigade Major
OM Rice, Nathan, Maj. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Rice, Oliver, Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Richardson, Abijah, Surg. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Rickard, William, Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Ripley, Hezekiah, 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Roberts, Richard Brooke, Capt. Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln
OM Rouse, Oliver, Capt. [Brevet] 12th Reg. MCL
OM Rowe, John, Ens. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Sampson, Crocker, 1st Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Sargent, Winthrop, Capt. Aide-de-Camp to General Howe
OM Satterlee, William, Capt. 2nd Canadian Cont. Reg.
OM Savage, Henry, 1st Lt. Aide-de-Camp to General Nixon
OM Savage, Joseph, Capt. 2nd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Sawyer, James, Ens. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Scammell, Samuel Leslie, Ens. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Scott, James Miles, Ens. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Selden, Charles, 1st Lt. 9th Reg. MCL
OM Sever, James, Ens. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Sewall, Henry, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Seward, Thomas, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Shaw, Samuel, Capt. Aide-de-Camp to General Knox
OM Shepard, William Jr., Ens. * 4th Reg. MCL
OM Shepard, William, Col. App Out 4th Reg. MCL
OM Shute, Daniel, Surg. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Smith, Ebenezer, Capt. 8th Reg. MCL [d. 1824]
OM Smith, Ebenezer, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL [d. 1816]
OM Smith, John Kilby, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Smith, Joseph, 1st Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Smith, Josiah, Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Smith, Silvanus, Capt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Smith, Simeon, Capt. Warner's Additional Cont. Reg.
OM Spring, Simeon, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Sprout, Ebenezer, Lt. Col. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Stacy, William, Lt. Col. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Stafford, John Roosevelt, Ens. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Stevens, William, Capt. Cont. Artillery
OM Stocker, Ebenezer, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Stone, Jonathan, Capt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Stone, Nathaniel, 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Storer, Ebenezer, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Storey, William, Capt. 8th Reg. MCL
OM Story, John, Lt. Col. Aide-de-Camp to General Alexander
OM Sumner, Job, Maj. (John) 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Swan, Caleb, Ens. 8th Reg, MCL
OM Taylor, Jr., Othniel, Capt. 10th Reg. MCL
OM Taylor, Tertius, 2nd Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Taylor, William, 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Thacher, James, Surg. 9th Reg. MCL
OM Thacher, Nathaniel, Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Thomas, John, Surgeon 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Thomas, Joseph, Capt. 2nd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Thompson, Thaddeus, Surg. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Tisdale, James, Capt. * 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Torrey, William, 1st Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL [d. 1828]
OM Torrey, William, 2nd Lt. 2nd Canadian (Hazen's) Reg. [1831]
OM Town, Jacob, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Townsend, David, Surg. General Hospital Dept.
OM Treadwell, William, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Trescott, Lemuel, Maj. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Trotter, John, Capt. Aide-de-Camp to General Rufus Putnam
OM Trowbridge, Luther, 1st Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Tucker, Joseph, Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Tucker, Samuel, Capt. Cont. Navy
OM Tudor, William, Lt. Col. Judge Advocate General, Cont. Army
OM Tupper, Anselm, Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Tupper, Benjamin, Col. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Turner, Jonathan, Capt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Turner, Marlbry, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Turner, Peleg, 2nd Lt. 10th Reg. MCL
OM Turner, Thomas, Capt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Vose, Elijah, Lt. Col. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Vose, Joseph, Col. [Brev. Brig. Gen.] 1st Reg. MCL
OM Vose, Thomas, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Wales, Joseph, Lt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Walker, Edward, Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Walker, Robert, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Wardwell, Joseph, Ens. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Warren, Adriel, 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Warren, James, Jr., Lt. Cont. Navy
OM Warren, John, Lt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Watson, William, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Wattles, Mason, Capt. 6th Reg. MCL
OM Webb, George, Capt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Webber, Daniel, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Wellington, Elisha, 2nd Lt. 7th Reg. MCL
OM Wells, Benjamin, Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Wells, James A., Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Wells, Thomas, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Wesson, James, Col. 9th Reg. MCL
OM White, Edward, 2nd Lt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM White, Haffield, Capt. 5th Reg. MCL
OM Whiting, John, Lt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Whitwell, Samuel, Surg. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Wigglesworth, Edward, Col. 13th Reg. MCL
OM Wild, Ebenezer, 2nd Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Williams, Abraham, Capt. 2nd Reg. MCL
OM Williams, Ebenezer, 1st Lt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Williams, John, Capt. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Williams, Joseph, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Williams, Robert, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
OM Wing, Jonathan, Ens. 1st Reg. MCL
OM Winslow, John, Capt. 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Woodbridge, Christopher, Capt. 3rd Reg. MCL
OM Woodward, Samuel, Surg. Mate 3rd Reg. Cont. Artillery
OM Yeomans, John, 1st Lt. 4th Reg. MCL
New Hampshire
John Adams, Samuel Adams, Joseph Boynton, Jonathan Cass, Samuel Cherry, Jonathan Cilley, Joseph Cilley, Amos Cogswell, Henry Dearborn, Amos Emerson, Jeremiah Fogg, Isaac Frye, Nicholas Gilman, Daniel Gookin, John Harvey, James Harvey McClary, Michael McClary, Neal McGaffey, Joshua Merrow, Joseph Mills, Josiah Munro, William Parker, Jr., Adna Penniman, Jonathan Perkins, Jeremiah Prichard, Benjamin Pierce, James Reed, William Rowell, Ebenezer Sullivan, John Sullivan, Robert Bradford Wilkins.[8]
New Jersey
James Anderson, Abraham Appleton, James Francis Armstrong, Daniel Baldwin, Jeremiah Ballard, William Barton, John Beatty, John Bishop, John Blair, Joseph Bloomfield, Absalom Bonham, James Bonnell, Seth Bowen, Nathaniel Bowman, David Brearley, Almarin Brooks, Jeremiah Bruen, Joseph Buck, William Burnet, Eden Burrowes, John Burrowes, Lambert Cadwalader, George Walker Campbell, Jabez Campfield, Samuel Conn, John Conway, Richard Cox, John Noble Cumming, Ephraim Darby, Elias Dayton, Jonathan Dayton, Cyrus De Hart, Nathaniel Donnell, Lewis Ford Dunham, Ebenezer Elmer, Eli Elmer, Peter Faulkner, Chilion Ford, Mahlon Ford, David Forman, Jonathan Forman, James Giles, Luther Halsey, Jacob Harris, James Heard, John Heard, William Helms, Dr. Thomas Henderson, Samuel Hendry, John Hollinshead, John Holmes, Jonathan Holmes, John Hopper, John Howell, Richard Howell, Andrew Hunter, Jacob Hyer, William Kersey, Abraham Kinney, John Kinney, Shepard Kollock, Derick Lane, Nathaniel Leonard, Richard Lloyd, Francis Luce, Absalom Martin, Giles Mead, Alexander Mitchell, Aaron Ogden, Matthias Ogden, Benajah Osmun, John Peck, Robert Pemberton, William Sanford Pennington, Jonathan Phillips, Jacob Piatt, William Piatt, John Polhemus, Samuel Reading, Anthony Reckless, John Reed, John Reed, John Reucastle, Jonathan Rhea, John Ross, Cornelius Riker Sedam, Samuel C. Seeley, Israel Shreve, Samuel Moore Shute, William Shute, Jonathan Snowden, Oliver Spencer, Moses Sprowl, Ebenezer Stockton, Abraham Stout, Wessel Ten Broeck Stout, Edmund Disney Thomas, William Tuttle, George Walker, Abel Weymen, Ephraim Lockhart Whitlock.[9]
Jonas Addoms, Peter Anspach, Aaron Aorson, Josiah Bagley, John Bard, Sebastian Bauman, Jerrick Beekman, William Belknap,Walter Bicker, Leonard Bleecker, James Bradford, James Brewster, David Brooks, Joseph Browne, Robert Burnett, Jonathan Burrall, Caleb Brewster, Aaron Burr, Duncan Campbell, John Cape, Nehemiah Carpenter, James Chrystie, Matthew Clarkson, James Clinton, George Clinton, Alexander Clinton, Christopher Codwise, Robert Cochran, Surgeon General John Cochran, William Colbreath, Michael Connolly, John Conway, Samuel Cooper, Andrew Cragie, John D. Crimshier, Ebenezer Crosby, Henry Cunningham, James Davidson, Henry Demler, Daniel Denniston, George J. Denniston, Pierre Regnier De Rousse, Simeon De Witt, Samuel Dodge, Samuel Dodge, John Doughty, Henry Dubois, Edward Dunscomb, Baron Charles D Aurier, John Elliott, Andrew English, James Fairlie, Ephraim Fenno, Nicholas Fish, George Fleming, John Fondy, Duoy Fondy, Joseph Foote, Theodocius Fowler, Joseph Frelick, John Furman, John Gano, David Gano, Peter Gansevoort, Benjamin Gilbert, James Giles, Aquilla Giles, John Graham, Charles Graham, Stephen Graham, Silas Gray, John W. Greaton, John Green, James Gregg, James Grier, John Grier, Isaac Guion, Hoysted Hacker, Mordecai Hale, Jonathan Hullctt, Luther Halsey, Alexander Hamilton, Abijah Hammond, John F. Hamtramck, Francis Hanmer, Abraham Hardensburg, Joseph Hardy, Samuel Hay, Nathaniel Henry, Benjamin Herring, Abel Holden, Bazaleel Howe, Isaac Hubbell, James Miles Hughes, Thomas Hunt, Christopher Button, Ephraim Hunt, Abraham Hyatt, Thomas T. Jackson, Cornelius T. Jansen, James Johnston, Robert Johnson, John Keese, Jacob Kemper, Daniel Hemper, John Lamb, Garret Lansing, John Lawrence, Nathaniel Lawrence, Jonathan Lawrence, George Leycraft, William Leycraft, Benjamin Ledyard, Isaac Ledyard, Morgan Lewis, Samuel Logan, Lebbcus Loomis, Henry E. Lutterloh, Abraham Leggett, Alexander McDougall, Renald S. Mc Dongall, Charles McKnight, Daniel McLane, Thomas Machin, Peter Magee, Samuel Mansfield, John Marsh, Elihu Marshall, Daniel Menema, Andrew Moodie, Joseph Morrell, William W. Morris, Ebenezer Macomber, Peter Nestell, Charles Newkirk, James Nicholson, Daniel Niven, William North, Nathaniel Norton, Daniel Parker, Charles Parsons, Henry Pawling, Samuel T. Pell, Robert Pemberton, Nathaniel Pendleton, William Peters, Richard Platt, William Popham, Henry Pray, William Price, Abner Prior, Thomas Randall, John Reed, Jacob Reed, John R. B. Rogers, Wilhelmus Ryckman, Baron De Steuben, John Sandford, Derick Schuyler, Philip Schuyler, William Scudder, John Shaw, Israel Smith, William S. Smith, Isaac Smith, Ephraim Snow, John Stagg, John Stake, Jehosaphat Starr, Gerard Stediford, Ebenezer Stevens, James Stewart, William Strachan, Caleb Swan, Bernardus Swartwout, Cornelius Swartwout, Caleb Sweet, George Sytez, William Stewart, Ebenezer Storer, Silas Talbott, Samuel Tallmadge, William Tapp, Peter Taulman, John C. Ten Broeck, Adam Ten Broeck, Alexander Thompson, Henry Tiebout, Thomas Tillotson, William Torrey, Robert Troup, John Trumbull, Thomas Turner, John F. Vacher, Philip Van Courtlandt, Cornelius Van Dyck, Henry Vandeburg, Bartholomew Vandeburg, John Van Dyck, Rudolph Van Hovenburgh, David Van Home, Jeremiah Van Rennselaer, Goosse Van Schaick, Garret Van Wagenen, Tunis Van Wagenan, Richard Varick, Veter Vosborough, Nicholas Van Rennselaer, John Waldron, Benjamin Walker, Jedediah Waterman, James Walson, Samuel B. Webb, Charles F. Weisenfels, Frederick Weisenfels, Jacob H. Wendell, John H. Wendell, Michael Wetzell, Andrew White, Anthony Walton White, Murinus Willett, Robert Wilson, Jacob Wright, Ephraim Woodruff, Peter Woodward
North Carolina
William Lee Alexander, James Armstrong, John Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, John Baptist Ashe, Samuel Ashe, Jr., Peter Bacot, Benjamin Bailey, Kedar Ballard, Robert Bell, Jacob Blount, Reading Blount, Adam Boyd, Joseph Blyth(e), Gee Bradley, Alexander Brevard, Joseph Brevard, William Bush, Thomas Callender, John Campbell, James Campen, Benjamin Carter, Thomas Clark, John Clendennen, Benjamin Coleman, John Craddock, Anthony Crutcher, John Daves, Samuel Denny, Charles Dixon, Tilghman Dixon, Wynn Dixon, George Doherty, Thomas Donoho, Thomas Evans, Richard Fenner, Robert Fenner, William Ferebee, Thomas Finney, John Ford (Foard), James Furgus (Fergus), Charles Gerrard (Garrard), Francis Graves, James West Green, Joshua Hadley, Clement Hall, Selby Harney, Robert Hays, John Hill, Thomas Hogg, Hardy Holmes, Robert Howe, John Ingles, Curtis Ivey, Abner Lamb, Nathaniel Lawrence, Nehemiah Long, Archibald Lytle, William Lytle, William Maclean (McLane), William McClure, James McDougall, John McNees, Griffith John McRee, Joseph Monfort, James Moore, Hardy Murfree, John Nelson, Thomas Pasture (Pasteur), William Polk, Robert Raiford, Jesse Read, John Read (Reed), Joseph Thomas Rhodes, William Sanders (Saunders), Anthony Sharp(e), Daniel Shaw, Stephen Slade, John Slaughter, Jesse Steed, John Summers, Jethro Sumner, James Tate, Howell Tatum, James Tatum, James Thackston, Nathaniel Williams, William Williams, and Edward Yarborough.
John Armstrong, Thos. Wylis, Francis White, James McLean, Sam. Doty, W. Ferguson, David Zeigler, F. Mentges, J. Pratt, Richd. Fullerton, Geo. Bush, John Strieker, Erkuries Beatty, Wm. Moore, Robt. McConnell, Jab. Weitzel, Wm. Wilson, James Armstrong, Jno. Bankson, J. McFarlane, Jno. Markland, Jno. Bush, Thos. Doyle, Jos. Harmar, R. Allison, Andrew. Lytle, T. Seely, John Doyle, Jas. F. McPherson, William Magaw, Anty. Wayne, William McHatton, C. De Marcellin, Le Koy, Le Chevalier De Lambert, H. Henly, Andrew Henderson, Joseph Ashton, Edward Speer, Robt. McMordie, John Stoy, Walter Stewart, Enos Reeves, James Morris Jones, Jno. McDowell, E. Edwards, P. Peres, Andrew Porter, Francis Nichols, Francis Proctor, William Murrin, Hen. D. Purcell, Andy. Walker, Stewart Herbert, J. Mackinney, Francis Johnston, Ja: Chrystie, Henry Bicker, Wilder Bevins, Benj. Lodge, Thomas Dungan, T. Robinson, Jas. Gamble, Henry Piercy, Alexander. Parker, Jas. Chambers, Matthew Maus, Fredrick. Vernon, J. Grier, John B. Webster, J. Moore, A. G. Claypoole, Daniel Brodhead, Matthew McConnell, James Glentworth, J. Stake, W. Van Lear, T. B. Bowen, W. Macpherson, David. S. Franks, Jesse Crosley, Jno. Strieker, Stephen Moylan, Zebn. Pike, John Davis, Isaac Craig, Stephen Bayard, W. Finney, S. Montgomery, John E. B. Rogers, Wm. McCurdy, Jno. Reily, Thos. Proctor, Chas. Turnbull, James Lloyd, James Hamilton, Ph. Liebery, Jean Aug. De Florat, Jno. Wigton, John Harper, John Christie, Benj. Bartholomew, Samaul. A. McCoffrey, John Jordan, Isaac Van Home, Js. Campbell, Jno. McClelan, J. McCullam, Beading Beatty, Wm. Sproat, Eichd. Butler, Isaac B. Dunn, W. McDowell, Edw. Crawford, John Eose, Wm. Martin, John Marshall, Jas. Parr, C. North, Ln. Davis, Francis Murray, Wm. Kogers, James R. Reid, John Patterson, John Van Court, Jno. Stotesbury, Jas. Pettigrew, Peter Smith, John Armstrong, Edmund Bourke, T. Boude, George Stevenson, Robt. Parker, Jas. McMichael, Levi Griffith, James Montgomery, Thomas Douglas, Barnabas Binney, Thos. Bond, Edward. Hand, T. Campbell, Wm. Lusk, George North, Andw. Irvine, John Nevill, John Boyd, Jacob Mytinger, Jno. Michon, Robt. Sample, Alex. Benstead, Wm. Henderson, Robert Wilkin, Adm. Hubley, Worsley Ernes, Nat. Irish, Thomas M. McCalla, Ezekiel Howell, Robt. Coltman, John Bryce, Matthew McGuire, Robert McGaw, James G. Heron, Wm. Sade, Wm. Wilkins, James Gilchrist, Thos. McIntire, Blackall Wm. Ball, John Humphrey, William Power, James Smith, L. Keene, A. St. Clair, Jer. Jackson, Job Vernon, Eobert Patton, Sam L Smith, Robt Martin, Philippe Avabing, John Craig, Ber d Kibley, James Davidson, J. Talbott, George Tudor, Sam l Bryson, Wm. Price, Jonah Hallett, Wm. Williams, Philip Shrawder, Samuel Talbott, Barthol ? Von Heer, Sam L Reed, Gabriel Peterson, Daniel St. Clair, John Weidman, William McMurray, Jeremiah Freeman, Hugh Martin, Joseph L, Jno. Nice, Will. Mackey, John Hughes, J. B. Tilden, Richard Hampton, J. Simonds, Jacob Bower,
^Metcalf, Bryce (1938). Original Members and Other Officers Eligible to the Society of the Cincinnati, 1783-1938: With the Institution, Rules of Admission, and Lists of the Officers of the General and State Societies Strasburg, VA: Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., p. 333.
^"John Austin Stevens, Founder, First President". SonsOfTheRevolution.org (New York: Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York Inc.). 2009. Retrieved January 4, 2010.
^"John Austin Stevens, Founder, First President". FrauncesTavernMuseum.org (New York: Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York Inc.). 2002. Retrieved 2010-01-04.
^"Virginia Society of the Cincinnati". The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. 6 (1). Virginia Historical Society: 22–29. July 1898. JSTOR4242109.