This is a list of early microcomputers sold to hobbyists and developers. These microcomputers were often sold as "DIY" kits or pre-built machines in relatively small numbers in the mid-1970s. These systems were primarily used for teaching the use of microprocessors and supporting peripheral devices, and unlike home computers were rarely used with pre-written application software. Most early micros came without alphanumeric keyboards or displays, which had to be provided by the user. RAM was quite small in the unexpanded systems (a few hundred bytes to a few kilobytes). By 1976 the number of pre-assembled machines was growing, and the 1977 introduction of the "Trinity" of Commodore PET, TRS-80 and Apple II generally marks the end of the "early" microcomputer era, and the advent of the consumer home computer era that followed.
Discrete logic
Before the advent of microprocessors, it was possible to build small computers using small-scale integrated circuits (ICs), where each IC contained only a few logic gates or flip-flops.
Datapoint 2200 (shipped 1971) was the first machine designed to use a microprocessor, but when Intel could not deliver the 8008 in time, they released the machine using discrete logic.
As microprocessors were developed, companies often released simple development systems to bootstrap the use of the processor. These systems were often converted by hobbyists into complete computer systems.
Intel's Intellec computers were a series of early microcomputersIntel produced starting in the 1970s as a development platform for their processors.
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Many early microcomputers were available in Electronic kit form. Machines were sold in small numbers, with final assembly by the user. Kits took advantage of this by offering the system at a low price point. Kits were popular, beginning in 1975, with the introduction of the famous Altair 8800, but as sales volumes increased, kits became less common. The introduction of useful fully assembled machines in 1977 led to the rapid disappearance of kit systems for most users. The ZX81 was one of the last systems commonly available in both kit and assembled form.
Some magazines published plans and printed circuit board layouts from which a reader could in principle duplicate the project, although usually commercially made boards could be ordered to expedite assembly. Other kits varied from etched, drilled, printed circuit boards and a parts list to packages containing cases, power supplies, and all interconnections. All kits required significant assembly by the user.
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PCB and several chips/cards; optionally expandable
Intended for embedded/industrial applications which did not merit a minicomputer. A complete basic system included one PROM board and chip, one RAM board and chip, a CPU module, digital I/O board, power supply, and mounting rack, altogether for $995. Was in use by November 1972 in a paper tape editing system.
The first company to produce mostly complete systems built around the Zilog Z80 processor. Their products also included options for MOS 6502 and Motorola 6800 processors.
Complete microcomputers
A number of complete microcomputers were offered even before kits became popular, dating to as far back as 1972. For some time there was a major market for assembled versions of the Altair 8800, a market that grew significantly through the late 1970s and into the early 1980s. The introduction of three computers aimed at personal users in 1977, the Radio Shack TRS-80, Apple II, and Commodore PET, significantly changed the American microcomputer market and led to the home computer revolution.
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Programmable desktop calculator marketed as a desktop computer, which could be used as such by connecting other peripherals such as teletypes. Advertised as early as May 1972, just a month after the release of the Intel 8008.
The first general purpose microcomputer to ship with a built in alphanumeric user interface. First delivered on December 11th, 1972 and advertised in early 1973.
Another desktop calculator usable as a computer when connected to a teletype. Introduced in February 1974, presumably using pre-release engineering samples of the Intel 8080, which were first produced just two months earlier.
The first self-contained general-purpose desktop computer to ship with the Intel 8080 microprocessor in April 1974 (as a pre-production unit) and one of the first commercially available computers with the 8080 in June 1974 (first production units shipped August 1974). Also included a built-in printer and early multi-line flat-panel plasma display.
Debuted in May 1974 with an Intel 8080 and 8k of RAM. Preceded by the Intel 8008-based SMP80/08, which was announced in early 1973 but never commercially released.
First offered in May 1974. Marketed as an intelligent terminal, and initially contained an Intel 8008 (later 8080 optionally) and up to 24k RAM. Fit entirely on a desktop and was capable of raster color text and graphics.
One of the first all-in-one microcomputers developed in Europe. It was sold as a complete package, with CPU-module, Memory-modules and a 8" floppy-disk drive w/module all built into a case with a TDV-2115 dumb-terminal. It was initially marketed towards businesses as an "intelligent terminal" and workstation, running Tandberg-OS (having the look and feel of Intel ISIS-II). After the separation of Tandberg Data, this machine would also be available in OEM form as the Siemens System 6.610.
Quickly became the leading business desktop workstation with software such as VisiCalc, but also somewhat popular as a home computer. Initially only available in the US, but would eventually be available worldwide.
Most popular as an educational computer used in schools, but some success as a business or academic workstation too. Later, the PET would eventually see limited popularity in Europe.
^"MIL CPS-1 Emulator". York University Computer Museum. 2023. Retrieved 2024-02-03. The CPS-1 computer was developed by Micosystems International Ltd. (MIL) of Ottawa between 1972 and 1973. The CPS-1 was powered by Canada's first microprocessor — the MIL 7114. This computer is one of the world's first commercially available microprocessor-based computer.