Picket Fences is an American television drama series created by David E. Kelley and produced by David E. Kelley Productions, 20th Television and 20th Century Fox Television. The series tells the story of Rome, Wisconsin, a fictional small town with strange phenomenon and weird criminal activity, producing cases that the police, headed by Sheriff Jimmy Brock, are tasked with solving. Picket Fences aired on CBS from September 18, 1992 to June 26, 1996, broadcasting 88 episodes over four seasons during its initial run.
During the series' run, Picket Fences received nominations for a variety of different awards, including 27 Emmy Awards (with 14 wins), nine Golden Globe Awards (with one win), four Screen Actors Guild Awards (with one win), 2 Directors Guild of America Awards (with one win), and 22 Q Awards (with seven wins). Kathy Baker, who plays lead female character Jill Brock, received the most individual awards and nominations, won 3 Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe award, a SAG award, and 2 Q awards.
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series
Amy Aquino, Kathy Baker, Don Cheadle, Holly Marie Combs, Kelly Connell, Fyvush Finkel, Lauren Holly, Costas Mandylor, Marlee Matlin, Justin Shenkarow, Tom Skerritt, Ray Walston, and Adam Wylie
During its tenure, Picket Fences received 22 nominations for a Q award, presented by Viewers for Quality Television. The series won seven awards: one for Best Quality Drama Series; two for Best Actress in a Quality Drama Series, awarded to Kathy Baker; one for Best Supporting Actor in a Quality Drama Series, awarded to Fyvush Finkel; one for Best Supporting Actress in a Quality Drama Series, awarded to Lauren Holly; one for Best Recurring Player, awarded to Amy Aquino; and one for Specialty Player, awarded to Ray Walston.
Picket Fences received 8 nominations for a Young Artist Award, winning two awards – one for Best Young Actress in a New Television Series, awarded to Holly Marie Combs and one for Best Youth Actor Recurring or Regular in a TV Series, awarded to Adam Wylie.