In England, Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) are designated by Natural England, which is responsible for protecting England's natural environment. Designation as an SSSI gives legal protection to the most important wildlife and geological sites.[1] As of March 2019, there are 65 sites designated in East Sussex, 45 of which have been designated for their biological interest, 15 for their geological interest, and 5 for both biological and geological interest.[2]
More than 10,000 birds winter on this site, including over 1% of the UK population of wigeon. In addition, more than 170 species of birds on passage have been recorded. the River Cuckmere runs through the reservoir and there are areas of tall fen and exposed shingle.[7]
This former medieval deer park has many ancient trees which support more than 160 species of lichens. The habitats are parkland and woodland together with three ornamental lakes. The woods have a diverse selection of breeding bird species.[14]
This is one of the largest areas of heath, semi-natural woodland and valley bog in south-east England. It is important for its heath and woodland bird species, its rich invertebrate fauna and its uncommon plants. There are several streams, some of which have been dammed to form large ponds and they have a diverse aquatic fauna.[21]
Part of this ancient wood is a steep sided valley which has a warm and moist microclimate and it is rich in mosses and liverworts. A woodland glade has two ponds which support white water lily and several species of pondweed.[23]
This steep sided valley wood has several locally rare ferns and mosses. There are a number of small ponds and acid springs and flora include the rare moss Dicranodontium denudatum at one of only two known locations in south-east England. The dry upper slopes have ancient woodland.[29]
This site shows the junction between two formations in the Wealden Group, dating to the Early Cretaceous. It exposes the top 2 metres of the Ashdown Formation and the bottom 1.5 metres of the Wadhurst Clay Formation. The environments change from shallow fluvial to deeper lakes and lagoons and there are fossils of plants, fishes and reptiles.[33]
The main interest of this site is geological and it has many fossil fauna dating to the late Santonian and early Campanian in the Upper Cretaceous. It is also important for Quaternary stratigraphy. The cliff face and top have some rare plants.[37]
This meadow is managed to encourage wildlife and 67 species of flowering plants have been recorded, such as yellow rattle, pepper saxifrage and green winged orchid. The site also has a ditch, two small ponds and mature hedgerows.[39]
This is chalk grassland, which is a nationally uncommon habitat. It is rich in flowering plants and there are areas of scrub which are valuable for breeding birds. The diverse orthopteran insect species include the nationally rare wart-biter grasshopper.[46]
Much of this site is steeply sloping chalk grassland, which has many flowering plants such as glaucous sedge, autumn gentian, marjoram, squinancywort and several species of orchid. There are also areas of woodland and scrub and the site has a rich community of breeding birds.[52]
This site has diverse habitats. Most of it is poorly drained alluvial meadows which are divided by drainage ditches. There is also ancient woodland and Filsham Reed Beds is the largest area of reed beds in the county. There are diverse breeding and wintering birds and many species of butterflies.[56]
The Willingford Stream has cut through forest, creating a steep sided valley with a warm and moist microclimate and the woodland in the valley is the main feature of the site. In the north, beech and oak are dominant, whereas in the south the main trees are oak, birch and hazel. In the bottom of the valley there are stands of alder.[58]
Several streams run through this area of broadleaved woodland. Most of it is mature hornbeam coppice with oak standards and a sparse ground layer mainly of mosses. The streams have produced steep sided valleys and there are many breeding birds.[60]
The common has several different types of acidic heath grassland, together with areas of bracken, scrub, woodland, streams and a pond. The rich butterfly and moth fauna includes several uncommon species such as the small pearl-bordered fritillary and green hairstreak butterflies.[62]
Nationally important habitats in this site are saltmarsh, sand dunes, vegetated shingle, saline lagoons, standing waters, lowland ditch systems, and basin fens, and it has many rare and endangered species of fauna and flora. It is geologically important as its deposits display the chronology of coastal evolution.[73]
The site has parkland and ancient woodland. It is of national importance for its lichens, with 167 recorded species in one of the richest epiphytic lichen floras of any park in Britain. It is also nationally important for dragonflies with 22 species and there are 60 species of breeding birds.[80]
The woodland in this steep valley is variable and it has been considerably modified in some areas. Flora include hay-scented buckler-fern, greater wood-rush and hard fern, as well as three rare mosses. There is also a rich community of breeding birds.[86]
This site exposes rocks dating to the Hastings Beds of the Early Cretaceous. It has coarse sandstone with pebbles and fossil charcoal in a channel which is interpreted as part of a braided system. It underlies a layer which is thought to be part of the shore of a lake.[89]
The crumbling cliffs in this site expose many formations and fossils dating to the Cretaceous period and it is described by Natural England as "of national and international importance for reference". Steep sided wooded valleys have lichens associated with ancient woodland and uncommon and rare beetles. Near the coast there are stunted trees affected by salt spray and important bryophyte flora, including the liverwortLophocolea fragans at its only locality in south-east England.[101]
This is a steep valley carved by a stream. The sheltered wooded habitat has a warm and moist microclimate and it has a number of plant species usually restricted to western Britain, such as Cornish moneywort, hay-scented buckler-fern and the liverwort Frullania tamarisci. The site is also important for lichens and 76 species have been recorded.[103]
This narrow stream valley has seven examples of wetland habitats on Tunbridge Wells sandstone and it is notable for its fen vegetation. The site is the location of two plants which are rare in south-east England, milk-parsley and Cornish moneywort. There are several artificial ponds which have a variety of aquatic plant species.[107]
This Pleistocene site is described by Natural England as "a key geomorphological site for sandstone weathering features developed on the highest cliffs in the Weald". The Ardingly Sandstone has micro-cracking of unknown origin.[111]
This site has several different habitats, including the only area of sessile oak coppice in the county. There are also areas of pedunculate oak and birch woodland, acidic grassland on wet heath, ponds and streams. Moss species include Sphagnum squarrosum and Hookeria lucens.[113]
This site exposes the Cliff End Sandstone Member of the Wadhurst Clay Formation, part of the Wealden Group, which dates to the Lower Cretaceous between 140 and 100 million years ago. It is a key site for studies of sandstone bodies in the clay formation.[116]
These two areas of steeply sloping chalk grassland have a rich invertebrate fauna, including Adonis blue and small blue butterflies and the nationally rare and specially protected wart-biter grasshopper. The flora is also diverse with plants such as squinancywort, horseshoe vetch and eyebright.[118]
This wood is not long established but it contains a nationally important heronry. The birds began to use the site in 1935 and have bred there since 1940. There are over fifty breeding pairs, around 1% of the British population.[120]
This site on the flood plain of the River Ouse has fields separated by ditches. Variations in salinity from brackish to spring-fed, together with periodic clearing of ditches, produce a variety of habitats. There is a diverse invertebrate fauna, especially water beetles and there are also rare snails, flies and moths.[122]
This south-facing slope on the South Downs is ecologically rich chalk grassland and scrub. Flora include the nationally rare early-spider orchid and it also has a diverse invertebrate fauna and an important breeding community of downland birds.[129]
This small disused quarry exhibits sandstone river deposits of the Weald Clay dating to the Lower Cretaceous around 130 million years ago. The mineralogy of the sandstones is important for understanding the palaeogeography of the Weald.[132]
This site has two nationally uncommon habitats, chalk heath and chalk grassland. Chalk heath formerly covered most of the site but scrub took over much of it after myxomatosis almost wiped out the rabbit population in the 1950s. The grassland is rich in flowering plants and the scrub and rough grassland provide valuable habitats for invertebrates and birds.[136]
This wood has probably existed since the Middle Ages and a large part of it is still semi-natural. It has a variety of woodland types and a network of rides and streams. The wood is locally important for its breeding birds such as greater spotted woodpecker, tawny owl and nuthatch.[138]
This site has ancient woodland and species rich unimproved grassland. The wood has standards of pedunculate oak and coppice of hornbeam, hazel and sweet chestnut. A stream runs along a steep sided valley which has 61 species of mosses and liverworts, including some uncommon species.[142]
This partly flooded former quarry is the type locality for the Northiam Sandstone Member of the Wadhurst Clay Formation, part of the Wealden Group which dates to the Early Cretaceous. It is important for the study of the paleogeography and paleoenvironments of the Wadhurst Clay Formation.[147]
This site is damp meadow on heavy clay with some areas of peat around springs. There are diverse invertebrates, including great green and dark bush-crickets and common blue and gatekeeper butterflies.[151]
This is a large area of wetland grazing meadows intersected by a network of ditches. It has many nationally rare invertebrates. It may be the best site in Britain for freshwater mollusc fauna, including the endangered shining ram's-horn snail. It also has one nationally rare and several nationally scarce aquatic plants and it is of national importance for lapwing, with more than 1% of the British population.[162]
This ancient wood has several different types of broadleaved woodland, a stream which cuts through a steep sided valley and a small waterfall. The valley has a moist and mild climate which provides a suitable habitat for mosses and liverworts which are uncommon in south-east England.[169]
No details are available for this site as its location is uncertain. The Natural England citation is for the 761 hectares (1,880 acres) Rye Harbour nature reserve, but the details page and map are for a small 5.6 hectares (14 acres) site north of the nature reserve.[170][172]
These poorly drained hay meadows and rich pastures are managed by traditional techniques. The flora is diverse, with species such as dyer’s greenweed, lesser spearwort and fleabane. There is an extensive network of hedges which are probably old as they have many native trees and shrubs.[174]
This disused quarry and road section exposes yellow sandstone of the Grinstead Clay, dating to the Valanginian stage around 135 million years ago. The sandstone was deposited by a meandering river.[177]
This site is of national importance for both its biological and geological features. Its habitats include chalk grassland, maritime grassland, chalk heath, foreshore, chalk cliffs, river meanders and greensand reef. It has nationally rare plants, invertebrates and birds. The site also exposes extensive chalk sections dating to the Late Cretaceous epoch around 80 million years ago.[186]
This site exposes rocks dating to the Cenomanian stage of the Late Cretaceous, around 100 million years ago. It has preserved many fossils of inoceramidbivalves which are not found elsewhere in Britain and are important for regional correlation. It is also the last remaining source for fossil fish in the area.[190]
This site is historically significant for the number and quality of fossils of Cretaceous fish found there by nineteenth century scholars such as Gideon Mantell. These fossils are particularly important for helping to understand the early evolution of fish groups such as the teleosts.[193]
This site exposes layers of the Chalk Group dating to the Upper Cretaceous between 90 and 87 million years ago. It is a key site for understanding the lithostratigraphy of the period and the environments of its chalk sea as well as the evolution and taxonomy of Upper Cretaceous fish.[197]
These two species rich meadows are traditionally managed. Over 80 species of flora have been recorded, including pepper-saxifrage, betony and cowslip. A small pond has five out of the six British species of amphibian.[201]
These species-rich meadows are traditionally managed by grazing and mowing. Grassland types range from calcareous to acid and they are the only unimproved pastures on Jurassic limestone in the county. There is also a stream, a marsh, an area of overgrown hornbeam coppice and a mature hazel and hawthorn hedge.[212]
This site is mainly chalk grassland on the steep slope of the South Downs. It is important for invertebrates, including two protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981, the wart-biter grasshopper and the snail Monacha cartusiana. There are also several unusual species of lichens and mosses.[215]
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Irlanda nos Jogos Paralímpicos Comitê Paralímpico Nacional (CPN) Código do CPI IRL Nome Conselho Paraolímpico da Irlanda (site oficial) Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão de 2012 Sede Londres, Reino Unido Competidores 49 em 10 esportes Porta-bandeira Cathal Miller Medalhas Pos.14º 5 2 3 10 Participações nos Jogos Paralímpicos Verão 1960 • 1964 • 1968 • 1972 • 1976 • 1980 • 1984 • 1988 • 1992 • 1996 • 2000 • 2004 • 2008 • 2012 • 2016 A Irlan...
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Arab-American monthly lifestyle magazine ARABICA MagazineARABICA Magazine, January 2000Editor in ChiefKarim AlrawiCategoriesLifestyleFrequencyMonthlyCirculation100,000PublisherARABICA Magazine Inc.First issueMay 1999Final issueOctober 2001CountryUnited StatesBased inDearborn, MichiganLanguageEnglishISSN1524-7880 ARABICA was a nationally distributed life-style, cultural and current affairs magazine for Arab-Americans and those interested in the news and views of the Arab-American community. Th...
1987 filmScuola di ladri - Parte secondaTheatrical release poster by Renato CasaroDirected byNeri ParentiWritten byFranco Castellano Giuseppe Moccia Franco Marotta Laura Toscano Neri ParentiStarringPaolo VillaggioMassimo BoldiEnrico Maria SalernoFlorence GuérinCinematographyAlessandro D'EvaEdited bySergio MontanariMusic byBruno ZambriniRelease date September 22, 1987 (1987-09-22) (Italy) Running time96 min.LanguageItalian Scuola di ladri - Parte seconda is a 1987 Italian c...
Необходимо проверить качество перевода, исправить содержательные и стилистические ошибки. Вы можете помочь улучшить эту статью (см. также рекомендации по переводу).Оригинал не указан. Пожалуйста, укажите его. Правительство Павла Филипа Описание кабинета Глава Павел Фил...
Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Bonan Dolok (disambiguasi). Bonan Dolok IIIDesaPeta lokasi Desa Bonan Dolok IIINegara IndonesiaProvinsiSumatera UtaraKabupatenTobaKecamatanBaligeKode pos22312Kode Kemendagri12.12.01.2031 Luas3,39 km²Jumlah penduduk549 jiwa (2015)Kepadatan161,95 jiwa/km² Bonan Dolok III adalah salah satu desa di Kecamatan Balige, Kabupaten Toba, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Pemerintahan Kepala Desa Bonan Dolok III pada tahun 2015 adalah Eben Siagian.[1] Desa Bon...
En esta pintura se representa el momento de apertura de un testamento moderno, situación que también se producía en el derecho romano con la apertura de las tablillas enceradas que recogían la voluntad del fallecido. En derecho romano, el testamento (en latín testamentum) es un acto jurídico solemne por el que una persona con capacidad para ello hace constar su voluntad dispositiva acerca de su propio patrimonio para después de su fallecimiento. Por este acto se permite a una persona s...
World of Warcraft ClassicDéveloppeur Blizzard EntertainmentÉditeur Blizzard EntertainmentDate de sortie 26 août 2019Franchise World of WarcraftGenre Jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueurMode de jeu MultijoueurPlate-forme WindowsVersion 1.13.2 (équivalent de la version 1.2 de WoW)Site web - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata World of Warcraft Classic est une réédition du jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueur World of Warcraft...