McLeod's Daughters is an Australian television drama series, created by Posie Graeme-Evans and Caroline Stanton, and produced by Millennium Television, in association with Nine Films and Television and Southern Star, for the Nine Network. The series, based on a television film of the same name, stars Lisa Chappell and Bridie Carter as two half-sisters, reunited after twenty years of separation, when their inherit their late father's cattle station in South Australia. After three years, the show's central focus shifted from the McLeod sisters, following the departures of main cast members, and took on a more ensemble format.
During the course of the series, 224 episodes of McLeod's Daughters aired over eight seasons, between 8 August 2001 and 31 January 2009.
Series overview
TV Movie Pilot (1996)
Season 1 (2001-02)
Season 2 (2002)
Season 3 (2003)
Season 4 (2004)
Season 5 (2005)
Season 6 (2006)
Season 7 (2007)
Season 8 (2008-09)
External links