List of Chinese football transfers winter 2021

This is a list of Chinese football transfers for the 2021 season winter transfer window.

Super League

Beijing Guoan

Cangzhou Mighty Lions

Changchun Yatai

Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic

Dalian Pro


Guangzhou City


Henan Songshan Longmen


Shandong Taishan

Shanghai Port

Shanghai Shenhua


Tianjin Jinmen Tiger


League One

Beijing BIT

Beijing BSU

Chengdu Rongcheng


Heilongjiang Ice City

Jiangxi Beidamen


Liaoning Shenyang Urban

Meizhou Hakka

Nanjing City

Nantong Zhiyun

Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic

Sichuan Jiuniu

Suzhou Dongwu

Wuhan Three Towns

Xinjiang Tianshan Leopard


Zibo Cuju

League Two



  1. ^ Player took Chinese citizenship to sign for club[95]


  1. ^ 官方:高天意正式加盟北京国安 (in Chinese)
  2. ^ a b c 官方:前亚泰球员卢卡斯-索萨、柏杨加盟北京国安 (in Chinese)
  3. ^ 官方:狼队留洋小将何朕宇租借加盟北京国安 (in Chinese)
  4. ^ 官方:国安签下北京人和中场曹永竞 (in Chinese)
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 官宣 关于青岛足球俱乐部球员加盟的公告 (in Chinese)
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r 新疆天山雪豹官方:郑一鸣、吴航等10名球员加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  7. ^ a b 河南建业官方:波黑中卫舒尼奇正式加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h 官方:张瑀、毛开宇、蒋哲、王鹏加盟长春亚泰 (in Chinese)
  9. ^ a b 十点准时相见!官方:沧州雄狮签下前青岛队边后卫晏紫豪 (in Chinese)
  10. ^ a b 官方:林创益加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  11. ^ 官方:挪威前锋迪奥曼德加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  12. ^ 官方:前江苏队球员谢鹏飞加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  13. ^ 又是十点宣!沧州雄狮官方:前江苏队球员罗竞加盟 (in Chinese)
  14. ^ a b 官方:新疆队中场萨比提加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  15. ^ a b 继续十点宣!沧州雄狮为您十点准时报时!官方:前泰达球员郑凯木加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  16. ^ a b 十点已到继续宣!官方:前天津津门虎中场郭皓加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  17. ^ 官方:前江苏队球员海米提加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  18. ^ a b 十点到!沧州雄狮官方:艾哈迈多夫加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  19. ^ a b c 官方:胡升嘉、马辅渔和张祥硕正式加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  20. ^ 官方:沧州雄狮签下前内蒙古中优外援桑戈尔 (in Chinese)
  21. ^ a b 继续十点宣!官方:前天津津门虎球员刘洋加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  22. ^ a b 连续八天十点见!官方:陈中流加盟沧州 (in Chinese)
  23. ^ a b 官方:大连前锋赵学斌加盟沧州雄狮 (in Chinese)
  24. ^ Campeão da Copa do Brasil 2011, Rômulo acerta retorno ao Vasco (in Portuguese)
  25. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 北理工官方:李思晨、王玮退役;刘天鑫等7人加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  26. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t 黑龙江冰城2021赛季引援公告 (in Chinese)
  27. ^ 官方:前英超后卫奥科雷加盟长春亚泰 (in Chinese)
  28. ^ 官方:K联赛金靴儒尼奥尔加盟长春亚泰 (in Chinese)
  29. ^ 官方:巴西攻击手埃里克加盟长春亚泰 (in Chinese)
  30. ^ a b c d e 长春亚泰官方:惠家康、张宇峰、孙沁涵三名球员加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  31. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n 【官宣】继续补强,再迎新援!7名球员加盟南京城市 (in Chinese)
  32. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p 官方:苏州东吴签下范晓冬、张诚、李晓明等9名球员 (in Chinese)
  33. ^ a b c d e f 蒋圣龙、陈钊、孙凯加盟重庆两江竞技足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  34. ^ a b 官方:申花外援博拉尼奥斯租借加盟重庆 (in Chinese)
  35. ^ a b c 重庆两江竞技官方:图尔苏诺夫和张兴博正式加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  36. ^ a b 官宣:元敏诚加盟深圳队 (in Chinese)
  37. ^ a b c d e 官宣:卡尔德克、阿奇姆彭、瓦卡索加盟深圳队 (in Chinese)
  38. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 官方:邓宇彪、郭靖等5人租借加盟苏州东吴 (in Chinese)
  39. ^ a b 关于球员迪力穆拉提加盟河南建业足球俱乐部的公告 (in Chinese)
  40. ^ a b 官方:重庆外援阿德里安租借加盟上海申花 (in Chinese)
  41. ^ a b c d 官方:马晓磊、丁捷加盟陕西长安竞技 (in Chinese)
  42. ^ 官方:大连人签下留洋门将库迪热提-阿布来提 (in Chinese)
  43. ^ 莫斯科中央陆军官方:大连外援龙东租借加盟 (in Chinese)
  44. ^ 周挺感慨退役:24年职业生涯要感谢很多人,江湖路远有缘再会 (in Chinese)
  45. ^ 官方:哈姆西克加盟哥德堡,双方签约至8月31日 (in Chinese)
  46. ^ a b c d e f g h 官方:李建滨、刘若钒、杨泽翔、刘超阳加盟成都蓉城 (in Chinese)
  47. ^ a b 官方:大连人年轻门将薛庆浩加盟申花 (in Chinese)
  48. ^ 官方:大连人队中国香港籍球员艾力士重回港超球队杰志 (in Chinese)
  49. ^ a b c d e f g h 江西北大门官方:杨四平、李庆毫等五名球员加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  50. ^ a b c d e f g 关于徐骏敏、郑铂凡、张晨、刘心想加盟昆山足球俱乐部的公告 (in Chinese)
  51. ^ a b c 官方:吉翔、徐新加盟山东泰山 (in Chinese)
  52. ^ a b c d e 官方:陈蒲、帕尔曼江、艾合买提租借加盟河南嵩山龙门 (in Chinese)
  53. ^ 官方:前广州队外援朴志洙加盟水原FC (in Chinese)
  54. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t 武汉三镇官方:刘奕鸣、荣昊、任航等十名球员加盟 (in Chinese)
  55. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 官方:苏州东吴签下张凌峰、石哲、艾菲尔丁等9名球员 (in Chinese)
  56. ^ a b 官方:广州队后卫胡睿宝加盟广州城,签约一年 (in Chinese)
  57. ^ a b c d e f 官方:布亚-图雷、冯博轩和赵宇豪加盟河南嵩山龙门 (in Chinese)
  58. ^ a b c d e f 关于球员张成林、萧涛涛、蔡明民加盟昆山足球俱乐部的公告 (in Chinese)
  59. ^ a b 【官宣】郑圣雄继续租借四川九牛足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  60. ^ 公告 新7号!卡尔多纳加盟广州城 (in Chinese)
  61. ^ 公告 欢迎“封面型男”蒂亚戈 (in Chinese)
  62. ^ 公告 吉列尔梅加盟广州城 (in Chinese)
  63. ^ 官方:瑞典球员斯文森回归加盟广州城,双方签约一年 (in Chinese)
  64. ^ a b c 公告 韩鹏飞、杨笑天加盟广州城 (in Chinese)
  65. ^ a b 公告 周煜辰加盟广州城 (in Chinese)
  66. ^ 官方:雷纳迪尼奥和托西奇离队 (in Chinese)
  67. ^ Renatinho é da Macaca! Meia e a Ponte Preta chegam a acordo e o atleta irá defender a Macaca em 2021 (in Portuguese)
  68. ^ a b c d 官方:卢琳、桂宏加盟梅州客家 (in Chinese)
  69. ^ a b 官方:国足集训队球员马俊亮加盟陕西长安竞技 (in Chinese)
  70. ^ a b 官方:深圳外援塞尔纳斯加盟河北 (in Chinese)
  71. ^ 陈佳裕租借加盟河北足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  72. ^ a b c d 祖鹏超、金强加盟河北足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  73. ^ 姚道刚正式加盟河北足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  74. ^ a b 官方:前河北队球员金洋洋加盟上海申花 (in Chinese)
  75. ^ a b 官方:董学升正式加盟武汉队,新赛季继续为球队出战 (in Chinese)
  76. ^ a b c d e 官方:韩轩、金成俊、刘斌加盟中甲成都蓉城 (in Chinese)
  77. ^ a b 喀麦隆球员巴索戈正式加盟上海申花足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  78. ^ a b 官方:陕西长安竞技签下前河南球员杜长杰 (in Chinese)
  79. ^ a b c d e 官方:杨阔、殷亚吉和开赛尔加盟武汉三镇 (in Chinese)
  80. ^ a b c d e 官方:李昂、杜佳、阿布拉汗加盟上海海港 (in Chinese)
  81. ^ 官方:青岛队签下挪威国脚乌尔维斯塔德 (in Chinese)
  82. ^ a b c d e f 官方:邢瑜、向柏旭、甘超加盟成都蓉城 (in Chinese)
  83. ^ 官方:浦和前锋莱昂纳多正式加盟山东泰山 (in Chinese)
  84. ^ a b 山东泰山官方:国脚中卫石柯加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  85. ^ 官方:K联赛MVP孙准浩正式加盟山东泰山 (in Chinese)
  86. ^ 鲁能官方:佩莱合同到期离队 (in Chinese)
  87. ^ 泰山队副总:球队今年目标“保5争4”,莱昂纳多已经解约 (in Chinese)
  88. ^ a b 官方:山东泰山21岁高中卫蔺国玉租借加盟武汉队 (in Chinese)
  89. ^ a b 官宣:欢迎姚均晟正式加盟浙江队 (in Chinese)
  90. ^ a b 官方:山东泰山小将方昊租借加盟武汉 (in Chinese)
  91. ^ 官方:克罗地亚后卫迈斯托罗维奇加盟上海海港 (in Chinese)
  92. ^ 米内罗竞技官方:前上港外援胡尔克加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  93. ^ a b 官宣:施晓东正式转会南通支云,未来看你的 (in Chinese)
  94. ^ 官方:江苏队长吴曦加盟上海申花 (in Chinese)
  95. ^ a b 王毅加盟上海申花足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  96. ^ 克罗地亚球员约尼奇正式加盟上海申花足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  97. ^ 何龙海正式加盟上海申花足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  98. ^ 上海绿地申花足球俱乐部与球员艾尔·沙拉维完成解约 (in Chinese)
  99. ^ a b 官方:申花外援姆比亚回归加盟武汉队 (in Chinese)
  100. ^ 奥迪昂·伊哈洛转会加盟利雅得青年人足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  101. ^ a b 官宣 :欢迎高迪加盟浙江队 (in Chinese)
  102. ^ a b c d e f 梅州客家官方:刘盛、苏士豪、徐磊加盟球队 (in Chinese)
  103. ^ 官宣:外援金特罗加盟深圳佳兆业队 (in Chinese)
  104. ^ 【リリース】陳 祥煜(チェン シャンユ)選手 深圳市足球倶楽部(中国)へ完全移籍について (in Japanese)
  105. ^ 국가대표 출신 중앙수비수 송주훈 영입 (in Korean)
  106. ^ 感谢普雷!祝未来一切都好 (in Chinese)
  107. ^ 公告:约翰-马里租借前往日本福冈黄蜂 (in Chinese)
  108. ^ a b 官宣:陈阜俊正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  109. ^ 感谢付出,索萨再见! (in Chinese)
  110. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r 【官宣】同袍一心,志存高远!14名球员加盟南京城市 (in Chinese)
  111. ^ a b 官方:前泰达球员赵宏略加盟武汉 (in Chinese)
  112. ^ 官方:天津津门虎外援利马转会加盟土超青年联合 (in Chinese)
  113. ^ a b c 官方:前津门虎外援乔纳森、前釜山外援罗慕洛加盟成都蓉城 (in Chinese)
  114. ^ 官方:前江苏队球员田依浓加盟武汉队 (in Chinese)
  115. ^ 官方:前江苏队球员黄紫昌加盟武汉队 (in Chinese)
  116. ^ a b c 官方:郭珈玮、李扬、凯维赛尔租借加盟武汉队 (in Chinese)
  117. ^ 官方:江苏队后卫杨博宇加盟武汉队 (in Chinese)
  118. ^ 官方:前江苏队中场叶重秋加盟武汉 (in Chinese)
  119. ^ a b 官方:武汉签下黑龙江外援尤恩-阿金 (in Chinese)
  120. ^ a b 官宣:朝气蓬勃正当时!江子磊正式加盟南通支云! (in Chinese)
  121. ^ 官方:武汉队门将孙寿博正式退役,新赛季将担任门将助理教练 (in Chinese)
  122. ^ 武汉队官方:童晓星正式退役,并担任卓尔足球青训教练 (in Chinese)
  123. ^ a b c 关于球员杨运、刘博洋加盟昆山足球俱乐部的公告 (in Chinese)
  124. ^ a b c 官宣 韩光徽、张岩加盟成都蓉城足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  125. ^ a b c d e f 官宣 唐鑫、李智、勾俊晨加盟成都蓉城足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  126. ^ a b 感谢曹添堡、何杨,成都是你们永远的家 (in Chinese)
  127. ^ 贵州球员张智宣布退役:谢谢所有支持我的人,以后叫我张指导 (in Chinese)
  128. ^ a b 关于球员冯伯元、潘咏竹加盟昆山足球俱乐部的公告 (in Chinese)
  129. ^ 官方:前辽宁沈阳城市外援楚穆加盟罗马尼亚球队 (in Chinese)
  130. ^ a b 官方:劳烈斯、文俊杰加盟中甲球队梅州客家 (in Chinese)
  131. ^ 官方:前香港足球先生伊高-沙托尼加盟梅州客家 (in Chinese)
  132. ^ a b 官宣:欢迎梁诺恒加盟浙江能源绿城 (in Chinese)
  133. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 【官宣】青春力量,未来希望,10名小将加盟南京城市 (in Chinese)
  134. ^ 官宣:龙抬头,好兆头!南通支云欢迎张天龙加盟! (in Chinese)
  135. ^ 官宣:牛年开鸿运!中国香港球员李毅凯加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  136. ^ 官宣 :马到成功!南通支云欢迎马晟加盟! (in Chinese)
  137. ^ 官宣:追梦赤子心!杨明阳回归祖国正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  138. ^ 官宣:牛人来也!若泽·科雷亚正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  139. ^ 官宣:陶洪亮正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  140. ^ 官宣:年轻门将加盟!南通支云欢迎吴姚盛暄 (in Chinese)
  141. ^ 官宣 :王佳豪正式转会南通支云,携手共战未来! (in Chinese)
  142. ^ 官宣:江苏铁卫!姚犇正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  143. ^ 官宣:邱仲毅正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  144. ^ 官宣: 抱负不凡!谢小凡正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  145. ^ 官宣:江苏本土骁将!高大伦正式加盟南通支云 (in Chinese)
  146. ^ a b c 官方:历鸿、许兆基加盟中甲陕西长安竞技 (in Chinese)
  147. ^ a b 2021赛季官宣 成竹“于”胸 训练有“苏”!欢迎于帅、苏顺加盟陕西长安竞技 (in Chinese)
  148. ^ 官方:前国奥队球员南松加盟中甲四川九牛 (in Chinese)
  149. ^ 德转:苏州东吴外援贾尔巴转会加盟沃伦塔里 (in Chinese)
  150. ^ a b c 官方:徐擎、赵舒豪、张晓彬加盟武汉三镇 (in Chinese)
  151. ^ 【官宣】 欢迎埃德米尔森加盟武汉三镇足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  152. ^ 【官宣】欢迎奥格布加盟武汉三镇足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  153. ^ 【官宣】欢迎贾德松加盟武汉三镇足球俱乐部 (in Chinese)
  154. ^ 网红少年努尔飞腿通过天山雪豹试,与雪豹U23梯队签约 (in Chinese)
  155. ^ 官方:前江苏队门将顾超加盟浙江队 (in Chinese)
  156. ^ 官方:成都蓉城外援久尔迪奇租借加盟浙江 (in Chinese)
  157. ^ 浙江队2号球员王冠伊:官宣退役,升级教练 (in Chinese)
  158. ^ 官方:浙江能源绿城外援马丁斯加盟葡超莫雷拉人 (in Chinese)

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Een drankje, of drank, is een vloeistof die specifiek is voor menselijke consumptie. Naast het vervullen van een fundamentele menselijke behoefte, maken dranken deel uit van de cultuur van de menselijke samenleving. Er wordt vaak (in wetgeving) onderscheid gemaakt tussen alcoholhoudende drank en alcoholvrije drank. Water Zie Drinkwater voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp. Water wordt in de wereld het meest gedronken. Van al het water op aarde is echter maar 3% drinkbaar.[1] Alcoh...


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Questa voce sugli argomenti Unione europea e diritto internazionale è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Centro satellitare dell'Unione europea AbbreviazioneEUSC TipoAgenzia dell'Unione europea Fondazione2002 Scoporaccolta di informazioni attraverso le immagini satellitari Sede centrale Torrejón de Ardoz Area di azioneUnione europea Direttore esecutivo Sorin Dumitru Ducaru MottoAnalysis for ...


هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أبريل 2019) لاري ر. إليس   معلومات شخصية الميلاد 30 يونيو 1946 (77 سنة)[1]  مواطنة الولايات المتحدة  الحياة العملية المدرسة الأم جامعة إنديانا بلومينغتون  [لغا...


Angolan football manager Romeu Filemón Personal informationFull name Romeu Katatu Filemón[1]Date of birth (1965-07-19) 19 July 1965 (age 58)Team informationCurrent team Recreativo do Libolo (manager)Managerial careerYears Team2011–2013 1º de Agosto2013 Benfica de Luanda2013–2014 1º de Agosto2014–2015 Angola2020– Rec do Libolo Romeu Katatu Filemón is an Angolan football manager. In February 2014, he was announced as the Angola national team manager, a job he retained ...

Literature written in or related to the United States For other uses, see American literature (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: American literature – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Main reading ...


Overview of the legality and prevalence of abortions in the U.S. state of West Virginia Abortion in West Virginia is illegal, with few exceptions.[1] The number of clinics in West Virginia has declined steeply from the original nineteen over the years, with ten in 1982, five in 1992, two in 2014, and one in 2017. There were 1,730 legal abortions in 2014, and 1,516 in 2015. On September 13, 2022, West Virginia passed a near-total abortion ban in both houses of its legislature. Governor...


A map showing the civil parish boundaries in 1870. The Old Artillery Ground is an area of land in Spitalfields, London formerly designated one of the Liberties of the Tower of London and Crown Land. Originally the outer precinct of the Priory and Hospital of St Mary Spital, it was converted to an Artillery Ground in 1538, under Henry VIII, for the use of 'The Fraternity or Guild of Artillery of Longbows, Crossbows and Handguns', also known as 'The Fraternity of St George'. This group were lat...

Indian film director Kumarsen SamarthDied(1970-02-15)15 February 1970NationalityIndianNotable workShirde Che SaibabaSpouseShobhana Samarth (sep.)Children4; incl. Nutan and Tanuja Kumarsen Samarth was an Indian film director. He belonged to a Marathi CKP family.[1] His inclination towards the Marathi language led him to direct some great Marathi/Hindi movies such as Nal Damyanti[2] and Rupaye ki Kahani (1948). His biggest success was the 1955 Marathi film titled Shirdi che Saib...


Defunct American video game publisher This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (March 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Crave EntertainmentFinal logo from 2011-2012TypeSubsidiaryIndustryVideo gamesFounded1997; 26 years ago (1997)FounderNima TaghaviDefunct2012; 11 years ago (2012)FateDissolved,...


1999 single by Hikaru UtadaMovin' On Without YouSingle by Hikaru Utadafrom the album First Love ReleasedFebruary 17, 1999RecordedOctober 1998GenrePopdance-popdiscoLength4:38LabelEMI Music JapanSongwriter(s)Hikaru UtadaProducer(s)Hikaru UtadaHikaru Utada singles chronology Automatic (1998) Movin' On Without You (1999) First Love (1999) Music videoMovin' On Without You on YouTube Movin' On Without You is a song recorded by Japanese–American singer and producer Hikaru Utada taken from their de...

Di Minangkabau, letak masjid biasanya berdampingan dengan surau. Lokasi foto diambil berada di Padang Lua, Banuhampu, Agam sekitar tahun 1900-an. Di beberapa daerah di Sumatra dan Semenanjung Malaya, surau merujuk pada bangunan tempat ibadah umat Islam. Surau menempati bangunan terpisah alih-alih ruangan pada sebuah bangunan. Fungsi surau hampir sama dengan masjid yakni sebagai pusat kegiatan keagamaan masyarakat dan pendidikan dasar keislaman. Akan tetapi, karena bangunannya relatif lebih ke...


Japanese manga series Mujirushi: The Sign of DreamsStandard edition cover of the Mujirushi: The Sign of Dreams collected volume, featuring Kasumi夢印GenreMystery[1] MangaWritten byNaoki UrasawaPublished byShogakukanEnglish publisherNA: Viz MediaMagazineBig Comic OriginalDemographicSeinenOriginal runOctober 20, 2017 – February 20, 2018Volumes1 Mujirushi: The Sign of Dreams (Japanese: 夢印, French: Mujirushi – Le signe des rêves) is a Japanese manga series written and...


Racing circuit in Hanoi, Vietnam Hanoi CircuitOriginal proposed layout of the Grand Prix Circuit with 22 turnsLocation Nam Từ Liêm, HanoiTime zoneICT (UTC+07:00)Coordinates21°00′59.75″N 105°45′56.65″E / 21.0165972°N 105.7657361°E / 21.0165972; 105.7657361FIA Grade1 (intended)ArchitectHermann TilkeGrand Prix CircuitSurfaceAsphaltLength5.613 km (3.488 miles)Turns23[1] The Hanoi Circuit[2] or Hanoi Street Circuit[3] (Vietnamese: Trư...

Former national anthem of Russia For other uses, see Patriotic song (disambiguation). Patrioticheskaya pesnyaEnglish: The Patriotic SongПатриотическая песняFormer national anthem of Russia Former regional anthem of the Russian SFSRAlso known as«Motif de chant national» (original title)MusicMikhail Glinka, 1833 (arranged by Mikhail Bagrinovsky [ru], 1944)Adopted23 November 1990 (1990-11-23) (by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republ...


Biografi ini tidak memiliki sumber tepercaya sehingga isinya tidak dapat dipastikan. Bantu memperbaiki artikel ini dengan menambahkan sumber tepercaya. Materi kontroversial atau trivial yang sumbernya tidak memadai atau tidak bisa dipercaya harus segera dihapus.Cari sumber: Rudy Gunawan – berita · surat kabar · buku · cendekiawan · JSTOR (Pelajari cara dan kapan saatnya untuk menghapus pesan templat ini) Rudy GunawanInformasi pribadiKebangsaanIndonesia...


Questa voce sull'argomento calciatori liberiani è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Kpah Sherman Nazionalità  Liberia Altezza 183 cm Calcio Ruolo Attaccante Squadra  Pahang Carriera Squadre di club1 2009 Aries30 (20)2010 Mighty Barrolle14 (8)2010-2011 BYC12 (5)2011 Härnösand10 (4)2011-2012 Düzkaya13 (8)2012-2013 Çetinkaya Türk23 (14)2013-2014...

Chechen military leader Uma DuyevBust of Uma Duyev (Russian Museum of Ethnography)Native nameДуин IумаBorn1809Zumsoy, ChechnyaDied6 March 1878(1878-03-06) (aged 68–69)Grozny, ChechnyaAllegianceCaucasian ImamateService/branchArmyRankGeneral (1840–1859)Battles/warsCaucasian WarRevolt in Chechnya (1860–1861)Revolt in Chechnya and Dagestan (1877) Uma Duyev (Chechen: Дуин Iума, romanized: Duin 'Uma; 1809 – 18 March [O.S. 6 March] 1878)...


  لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع روحان (توضيح). هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أبريل 2016) قرية روحان  - قرية -  تقسيم إداري البلد  اليمن المحافظة محافظة إب المديرية مديرية الشعر العزلة عزلة الأ ملؤ...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!