Leonard Landois was a pioneer in the study of blood transfusions and the phenomena of agglutination. In 1875, he demonstrated that when red blood cells are taken from one species of animal and are mixed with serum taken from an animal of a different species, the red cells typically clump and sometimes burst (hemolyze).
Selected writings
Über der Haarbalgparasiten des Menschen (treatise on parasites of humans); (1861)
Anatomische Untersuchungen über den Bau der Araneiden. In: Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medizin, Jg. 1868, S. 240-255; with Reinhold Wilhelm Buchholz. (Anatomical studies on the construction of orb-weaver spiders).[1]
Die Transfusion des Blutes (On blood transfusion); (1875)