Lamput is an Indian animated television series of shorts created by Vaibhav Kumaresh and produced by Vaibhav Studios for Cartoon Network India and Asia. The series consists of shorts ranging between 18 seconds and 3 to 5 minutes in length, as well as some 7-minute specials and three 11-minute specials from Season 4. The title character is a gooey, orange creature named Lamput who has escaped a laboratory.
Lamput is a gooey, orange creature who has escaped the laboratory of Specs and Skinny. They try to catch Lamput but never succeed in their endeavors due to his shapeshifting ability, however sometimes they also get themselves into trouble which requires cooperation from both parties.[1]
Lamput: Lamput is the titular character of the show. He is a gooey, orange creature that escaped from the Docs' laboratory.
Specs: Specs, also known as Fat Doc, is the gray-skinned fat scientist who tries to catch Lamput.
Skinny: Skinny, also known as Slim Doc, is the gray-skinned slim scientist who also tries to catch Lamput.
Mr. Mustache: He is a fit-built, yellow-skinned police officer. He holds a grudge against the docs for bullying him when they were students and sometimes arrests or beats them up.
Doctor: He is a pink-skinned doctor who sometimes checks Lamput and the docs.
White Lady: She is Skinny’s crush.
Pink Lady: She is Specs’ crush.
The Boss: He is the doctors' boss.
Production and development
Lamput was created by Vaibhav Kumaresh, and produced by Vaibhav Studios for Cartoon Network India & Asia. Lamput earned the distinction of being the first Indian show sold from a pitch bible, that has gone to air globally.[3]
The series consisted of 18-second micro-shorts, that were extended to 2 minutes for the second season.[3][4] The third season consists of episodes ranging from 3 to 5 minutes, as well as some 7-minute specials.
On 20 April 2021, a crossover between Lamput and Chinese internet character Tuzki was announced. It was also announced that a fourth season was in the works.[5]
Broadcast and release
The series airs on Cartoon Network in EMEA, Latin America. Lamput has also started airing on Boomerang worldwide.[citation needed] In the United States, Lamput is broadcast via HBO Max and Cartoon Network. It was added to HBO Max on 28 April 2022,[6] and started airing on Cartoon Network on 23 May 2022. It also started airing on Boomerang on 15 August 2022 but ended its run on the 26. The series was later added to Hulu on 25 July 2024, thanks to the service’s bundle with Max (formerly known as HBO Max).[7]
Polly Conway of Common Sense Media gave the rate three stars out of five, saying "Silly, but funny slapstick shorts have some violence."[8]
The show won two Best Animated Frames Award. Lamput season 2 was nominated for a 2019 International Emmy Award in Kids Animation.[9]