La Voz Kids (Spanish for The Voice Kids) is a Spanish reality talent show broadcast on Antena 3. It premiered on 6 February 2014 on Telecinco and is part of the international syndication The Voice based on the original Dutch television program The Voice of Holland, created by Dutch television producer John de Mol.
Participation is only for contestants aged 7 to 15.
First Phase: The Blind Auditions.
In this phase, the three coaches will have their backs to the participants and will be guided solely by their voice. There are 93 young people, however, only 45 will get on stage. If the contestant's voice wins over a member of the jury, he will press a button that will turn his chair to see the participant. In this way, you will demonstrate that you want this contestant to be part of your team. If more than one coach presses the button, the participant will have the option to decide which of the three wants to be trained in this competition; but if a single trainer presses the button, the contestant goes to his team automatically. In case no one of the jury presses the button, it means that the participant has not been selected.
Second Phase: The Battles.
In this stage, the coaches will be forced to reduce their equipment to a third. They must face three of their members who must sing in a "ring". Those who confront each other must demonstrate who has the best voice. In the end, each coach will make the decision to eliminate two of them, who will have to leave the competition. So that the coaches can make a decision, they are advised by other singers. Then they will choose two and the other three will sing the song they sang in the blind auditions, so that they choose one of those three and will join the other two for the live ones. In season 5, the steal from the adults' version of the show was implemented. Each coach has the opportunity to steal one young artist from other teams. In season 7, steals were raised to two per coach.
Third Phase: The Last Assault (Sing Off).
Each contestant must defend their subject of blind auditions before the members of the jury and their advisors. Of each team will be only two contestants who will go to the grand final.
Fourth and final Phase: The Grand Final.
This last phase of the program includes two parts: The semifinal and the final. The finalists will sing songs individually, as well as with their respective coaches, in addition to performances with guest artists. After the first elimination, only 3 contestants will fight to be finally: La Voz Kids (Spain).
Coaches' and hosts
The first season of the kids version had David Bisbal, Rosario Flores and Malú as coaches, all whom were part of the adult version's first season. The second and third season saw the return of both Bisbal and Flores, joined by Manuel Carrasco replacing Malú in season two, with Antonio Orozco replacing Carrasco in season three. The fourth season was the last produced for Telecinco which had Flores, Orozco and debutant Melendi as coaches, meanwhile Bisbal was 'supercoach' of the season.
On September 16, 2019, the fifth season premiered on Antena 3, with veteran coaches Bisbal and Flores, Melendi on his second season and debutant Vanesa Martín. For the sixth season, all four coaches returned as part of the panel. For season seven, Bisbal was left as the only coach returning along debutant Aitana, Sebastián Yatra and Pablo López. It was later announced that Flores would return to the panel after a one-season hiatus, joining Bisbal, Aitana and Yatra in season eight. Bisbal, Flores and Melendi were then joined in season nine by Lola Índigo. The upcoming tenth season, will see the return of veteran coach Bisbal, return of Índigo for her second season, alongside the debut of Edurne and Manuel Turizo