Klaus Theweleit (born 7 February 1942) is a German sociologist and writer.
Theweleit was born in Ebenrode, East Prussia (now Nesterov, Russia), the son of a railway company worker and a Jewish mother. He wrote the following about his father: "Above all he was a railroader, wholeheartedly, as he used to say, and then a human being. He was a rather good human being and a good fascist. His beatings which he gave away abundantly and brutally as it was usual in his time and with the best of intentions were the first lessons I received on fascism, a fact I only later fully discovered."[1]
He wrote his dissertationFreikorpsliteratur und der Körper des soldatischen Mannes about Freikorps narratives, a sub-literature produced by paramilitaries organized in Freikorps, who, during the early Weimar republic, had fought external or internal enemies. In academia only few historians had read and analysed this literature before Theweleit. His book Männerphantasien (1977); translated as Male Fantasies (1987), a study of the "proto-fascistconsciousness" in general and the bodily experience of these former soldiers in particular.[2] Throughout the book Theweleit uses ideas, terminology and empirical experience from works of Margaret Mahler, Wilhelm Reich, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Melanie Klein, and Michel Foucault among others to develop his theory of the "fascist male imprinting and socialization". In the introduction, Theweleit points out that discussions with Margaret Berger and his wife Monika Theweleit-Kubale (both of whom have professional clinical experience) had an important influence on the book as well as the feedback from Erhard Lucas, a leading German left-wing historian of the Weimar Unrest.[3]
Theweleit lives in Freiburg, he teaches in Germany, the United States, Switzerland, and Austria. He was a lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Freiburg and lecturer at the film academy in Berlin. From 1998 until retirement he was a professor for "art and theory" at the Staatliche Akademie für Bildende Künste, the art college, at Karlsruhe.
Object-Choice (All You Need Is Love...): On Mating Strategies & A Fragment of a Freud Biography. London; New York: Verso, 1994 (ISBN0860916421).
German and English
Antony Gormley: A Conversation with Klaus Theweleit and Monika Theweleit-Kubale [ein Gespräch mit Klaus Theweleit und Monika Theweleit-Kubale], edited by Hans-Werner Schmidt, et al. Bielefeld: Kerber Verlag, 1999.
Männerphantasien, 2 Vols., Verlag Roter Stern/Stroemfeld, Frankfurt am Main/Basel 1977–1978. Various paperback editions, first with Rowohlt, Reinbek 1983–1994, then with DTV, Munich and now with Piper, Munich 2000.
K.Th. with Martin Langbein: Bruch, Verlag Roter Stern/Stroemfeld 1980. sold only together with the German edition of Art Spiegelman's: Breakdowns. Also sold with the recent re-edition.
Buch der Könige, Stroemfeld 1988–2003.
Vol. 1, Buch der Könige. Orpheus und Euridike, Stroemfeld 1988.
Vol. 2 Buch der Könige in 2 books (2x, 2y), Stroemfeld 1994 (sold together):
Buch der Könige 2x. Orpheus am Machtpol, Stroemfeld 1994.
Buch der Könige 2y. Recording Angel's Mysteries, Stroemfeld 1994.
Objektwahl. All You Need Is Love. Über Paarbildungsstrategien & Bruchstücke einer Freudbiographie, Stroemfeld 1990.
Vol. 2: Buch der Königstöchter. Von Göttermännern und Menschenfrauen. Mythenbildung vorhomerisch, amerikanisch. Stroemfeld, Frankfurt am Main 2013, ISBN978-3-87877-752-6.
Vol. 4: "you give me fever". Arno Schmidt. Seelandschaften mit Pocahontas. Die Sexualität schreiben nach WW II, Stroemfeld 1999. ISBN3-87877-754-X
Der Knall. 11. September, das Verschwinden der Realität und ein Kriegsmodell, Stroemfeld 2002. ISBN3-87877-870-8
Tor zur Welt. Fußball als Realitätsmodell, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 2004. ISBN3-462-03393-X
Friendly Fire. Deadline Texte, Stroemfeld 2005.
Übertragung, Gegenübertragung, Dritter Körper. Zur Gehirnveränderung durch die Medien, (=International Flusser Lectures), Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2007.
Jimi Hendrix: Eine Biographie, Rowohlt, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
Godard: The Virtual and the Subject. Opening lecture at the Symposium Control and the Virtual at the College of Fine Arts, Hamburg, Germany, 3–8 November 2008.