"King's Lead Hat" is a song written by Brian Eno, released in 1977 as the fifth track from his album Before and After Science. The title is an anagram of "Talking Heads".[1] In 1978 a remixed version of the song was released as a single.
Rock critic Lester Bangs described the song "King's Lead Hat" as a track that emphasises "Eno's affinities with new wave in its rushed mechanical rhythms".[2] Eno would later produce Talking Heads' second, third and fourth albums, including Remain in Light (1980). Guitarist Robert Fripp, a frequent collaborator with Eno, performs a solo on the track.
"R.A.F.", a collaboration with Snatch, is a non-album track that uses samples of Baader-Meinhoff terrorists recorded from a German telephone announcement. R.A.F. stands for "Red Army Faction".[3]