The Kid Bits collection is a composed of three mini-album/compilation cassettes released by Sharon, Lois & Bram in 1995 under the American Drive Entertainment Inc. label. They are available only on cassette and are some of the harder-to-find 'Sharon, Lois & Bram' cassettes. Each cassette features between thirteen and fourteen Sharon, Lois & Bram songs that were previously released on some of the trio's past albums.
The cassettes, much like the Sharon, Lois & Bram Sampler cassette, features the same picture as the Sampler cassette, which was from the trio's Sing Around the Campfire album photo shoot. The only difference is the title and volume number listed on each cassette. Volume 1 being pink, Volume 2 being blue and Volume 3 being green. There is no inside flap or album information listed in any of the cassettes packaging.