The film begins with a greedy couple, Govinda Rao & Meenakshi. They lavish a vast sum of dowry for the son Prasad and knit a prosperous alliance with daughter Rekha without a dowry. However, Prasad deplores the dowry system and falls for Saroja with the same morals. So, Govinda Rao covertly gains ₹1,000,000 (US$12,000) from Saroja's father. Before long, the fact unwraps when the couple feuds with their parents to recover the amount, but they deny it. Thus, a challenge arises, and Prasad & Saroja start mocking them with several steps. Besides, the two con men, Ram Babu & Satti Babu, conduct diverse gags for livelihood. Govinda Rao fixes Rekha's alliance with Rajesh, the son of a jet-set Peddapuram Siddhaiah, currently walking abroad. Hence, he notifies his son via post to halt at Govinda Rao's residence until his return. Fortuitously, the dodgers open it, land therein with a forge, and delight themselves. Yet Rambabu truly loves Rekha. After three months, Siddhaiah backs, and the truth is laid bare when Govinda Rao casts them off. Here, as a flabbergast, Rekha conceives when Siddhaiah calls off the match, and Govinda Rao smacks his daughter and attempts to abort. Anyhow, Rekha declares to knit Rambabu, which everyone admits obligatorily. Ergo, the Govinda Rao's couple forwards with bridal connections to Ram Babu when he seeks ₹200,000 (US$2,300) of dowry—Whereat, Govinda Rao's efforts in various means to raise funds but in avail. Eventually, Rambabu chooses an alternative marital bond when the Govinda Rao couple collapses and admits their guilt. At last, Prasad & Rambabu affirm the totality is their sham to reform and comprehend how treacherous the dowry is. Finally, the movie ends happily with the marriage of Rambabu & Rekha.