The following is a list of the major publications of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832). 142 volumes comprise the entirety of his literary output, ranging from the poetical to the philosophical, including 50 volumes of correspondence.
Scientific texts
1784: Über den Granit (About the Granite) (published posthumously in 1878)
1786: Über den Zwischenkiefer der Menschen und der Tiere (About the premaxilla of humans and animals)
1819: Westöstlicher Diwan, variously translated as The West-Eastern Divan, The Parliament of East and West, or otherwise; collection of poems in imitation of Sufi and other SunniMuslim poetry, including that of Hafez.
1775: Stella, tragedy in five acts (created between 1803 and 1805 from the first version of 1775, the play was premiered in Weimar on January 15, 1806)