Štenclová was born in Opava. She graduated at High School of Art and Industrial Design in Prague (Střední umělecko-průmyslová škola v Praze) 1968-1972 (painting with Alois Vitík) and Academy of Art and Industrial Design (Vysoká škola umělecko-průmyslová v Praze, UMPRUM), 1972-1977 (textile with Bohuslav Felcman).
In 1982 she was awarded with 2nd Prize at 3rd Quadrienale of Art and Handicraft in Erfurt (Germany) and in 2005 she received the Prize "Beams of Humanity" for her significant contribution to the project "Through Art to Freedom", which is focused on children from orphan houses. She regularly contributes to humanitarian auctions (known as Konto bariéry, now part of Charter 77 Foundation etc.).
She is married to Cyril Höschl. She has four children and eleven grandchildren. She lives and works in Prague.