Two troubled teenage girls, Rachel and Grace, discover an incredible natural phenomenon and find themselves transported inside a super-powered rainbow to China. Due to this, they disturbed nature's balance and are chased down by an obsessed scientist and her mysterious international organisation. Using Rachel's connection to the energy of the rainbow and with help from their new friend Xiao Cheng, they must race against time to restore nature's balance before catastrophic storms destroy the entire Pacific and threaten the world.[1]
The film was shown at the TIFF Kids International Film Festival during April 2017.[5][6][7]
The film received its United States. Premiere with a Gala Screening at the Savannah Film Festival on 4 November 2017.[8][9] and was Opening Night film of the Asia Pacific Film Festival in Auckland on 28 October 2017.[10][11]
After a limited theatrical release in China during April 2019,[12] the film was scheduled for a nationwide release on January 25, 2020, during the Chinese New Year holidays.[13] Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the release was delayed and the film made available through the Smart Cinema online app.[14][15] It was subsequently announced that the film's theatrical release in China was scheduled for April 5, 2020.[16]
A novel titled The Wonder, Into The Rainbow was written by Robert Sidaway and Ashley Sidaway based on the story and screenplay.[17] The book includes a foreword written by Willow Shields. It was first published by Steam Press, part of the Eunoia Publishing Group, in October 2017. In 2019 it was made available as an ebook in both English and Simplified Chinese.[18]