From 1945 to 1964 Fix-Zamudio held various positions in the Mexican judiciary, culminating with a position as clerk to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. In 1964 he accepted a full-time research position at the UNAM's Legal Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas), then known as the Institute of Comparative Law (Instituto de Derecho Comparado). He also served as the institute's director from 1966 to 1978. In 1981 he was elected to the UNAM's Governing Board (Junta de Gobierno), where he served until 1988.
In recognition of his work in the field, the UNAM's Legal Research Institute currently awards the annual Héctor Fix-Zamudio International Prize for Legal Research.
Héctor Fix-Zamudio died at the age of 96 of heart failure on 27 January 2021.[1]
Fix-Zamudio published 20 books and 250 articles on legal topics, including amparo, constitutional law and human rights.[1]