This district includes 521 contributing buildings which are located in the central business district and surrounding residential areas of Huntingdon. They date from the late-eighteenth century to the early-twentieth century, and are primarily two- and three-story brick or frame structures. The buildings are reflective of popular architectural styles including Federal, Italianate, and Queen Anne.
Notable buildings include the county jail (1829), Union Depot (1872), Penn Hunt Hotel (1873-1874), switching tower (c. 1900), Fisher and McMurtie's Store (c. 1850), Reed's Drug Store (1865), Port Building (1875), Iron Front Store (1884), and Blair Building (1889).[2]
On May 12, 2020, at approximately midnight, the workshop area of the Blair Building caught fire. More than a hundred people lost their apartments and the entire building was declared a loss.[3]