Sunil Mehra (played by Manoj Kumar) completes his medical studies and becomes a doctor. He is kidnapped by dacoits in the Himalayas, harassed, and left badly hurt. Phoolwa, a villager (played by Mala Sinha), finds and takes care of him until he recovers. Both fall in love but her dacoit father Lakhan Singh (played by Jayant) comes in their way. Sunil is already engaged to Neeta (played by Shashikala.) He then leaves for his home in the city.
He returns to the Himalayas to help poor people who do not have proper facilities and or medical care. Villagers resist his arrival as they do not trust his modern medicines and only believe in local healers. Also, Lakhan Singh repeatedly interrupts his activities. Worried for him, Sunil's family sends his fiancée Neeta to get him back. Sunil in turn asks Neeta, who is also a doctor, to stay there with him. But Neeta is not very comfortable in the village atmosphere. She returns to the city. Firm in his decision, Sunil stays and wins the hearts of the villagers and also the dacoit Lakhan Singh who finally comes to his rescue.