The Hatchet film series consists of American slasherhorror films developed from original characters created by Adam Green; including four feature length films. The plot primarily focuses on the unintentional encounters of innocent civilians, with the living urban legend of deformedhermit Victor Crowley (portrayed by Kane Hodder under heavy makeup) and the character's violent murders.
When a group of tourists in a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare.
Many characters have played a part in the Hatchet series, most of which only having one-off appearances, but some protagonists such as Marybeth Dunston and Andrew Yong have been featured in multiple films, with Victor Crowley appearing in every film so far in the series.
This table shows the recurring characters and the actors who have portrayed them throughout the series.
A dark grey cell indicates the character was not in the film, or that the character's presence in the film has not yet been announced.
In Hatchet II, released seven months after Adam Green's Frozen, Emma Bell appears in an uncredited cameo reprising her role as Parker O'Neal (the protagonist of Frozen), in a scene serving as an epilogue to the main events of Frozen. In the scene, Parker is revealed to have successfully sued the ski resort for abandoning her, Dan, and Joe to the wolves, declaring that she will never go skiing again.[2][3]
Comic books
In 2017, after four feature films, series creator Adam Green would green-lightAdam Green's Hatchet (2017)—a four-issue comic book retelling of the 2006 film published by American Mythology. The issues were written by James Kuhoric and illustrated by Andrew Mangum.[7] American Mythology would follow this with an original limited editionHatchet saga, Hatchet: Vengeance—which follows Victor Crowley facing off against another monster inhabiting the fictitious Honey Island Swamp.[8] On October 9, 2019, the anthological three-issue limited series Victor Crowley's Hatchet Halloween Tales was released, issue one written by Jason Pell, two by SA Check, and three by James Kuhoric.[9]Halloween Tales would be expanded with the anthological Halloween Tales II in September 2020—again a three-issue limited series. Green makes his comic writing debut with the first issue that focuses on three witches trespassing Crowley's lair, while previous writers Pell and Kuhoric return to write the second and third issues, respectively.[10] July 2021 featured the release of the one-shot comicAdam Green's Hatchet: Unstoppable Horror.[11] In October of that year, Halloween Tales continued with Halloween Tales III.