She studied biology at the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University (former name of Masaryk University). In 1968, she started working in the sociology department of Philosophical faculty of the Masaryk University, where she later established the subject of humanistic environmental studies. In 1997, she was appointed as a professor of sociology. In 1999 Hana Librová became the first head of the Department of Environmental Studies [3].
Hana Librová was awarded the Prize of Josef Vondruška which she was given by the Foundation of Charta 77 in 1998. She was nominated to the Prize of a chairman of the Grant Agency of the Czech republic in 2004
Personal life
Hana Librová is a sister of prof. Jana Nechutová, classical philologist. She is married and has a daughter.
Selected works
Sociální potřeba a hodnota krajiny. Brno: Spisy FF UJEP, 1987, 135 s.
Láska ke krajině?, Brno: Blok, 1988, 168 s.
Pestří a zelení. Kapitoly o dobrovolné skromnosti, Brno: Hnutí Duha a Veronica, 1994, 218 s. ISBN80-85368-18-8
The Disparate Roots of Voluntary Modesty. Environmental values, 1999, No. 3, pp. 369–379. ISSN 0963-2719
Vlažní a váhaví: Kapitoly o ekologickém luxusu. Brno: Doplněk, 2003, 320 s. ISBN80-7239-149-6