Following his graduation from Burdett College, Kenyon returned to South Kingstown and worked for the O.P. Kenyon Company at his father's department store. Kenyon was elected as the secretary and assistant treasurer of O.P. Kenyon, Inc., and served as the director of the Wakefield Trust Company.[1][3]
Kenyon married Mary Louise Burns in 1914 and the two remained married until her death in 1945. The two had two children together, Jane Burns Kenyon Caffrey and Orrin Potter Kenyon II.
Kenyon initially wanted to avoid public office, but was pressured to run by members of South Kingstown due to being well known and active in public affairs. In 1912, Kenyon was elected as a representative to the Rhode Island General Assembly in 1912, and served in the 1913–1914 legislative session.[5] Kenyon served on the Joint Committee on Engrossed Acts, the House Committee on Labor Legislation, and the House Committee on Agriculture and Mechanical Arts.[6]
In 1916, Kenyon was elected as a senator to the Rhode Island Senate and served in the 1917–1918 legislative session.[7] Kenyon served on the Senate Committee on the Militia and the Senate Committee on Rules and Order.[7]
In 1916, Kenyon went to Plattsburgh, New York and attended military training at the Officer Training Camp. Kenyon was commissioned with the rank of captain and returned home to take command of the Second Company of South Kingstown, a section of the Rhode Island State Guard.[2] Kenyon served as the captain of the second company until 1919, when World War I ended and the Rhode Island State Guard was deactivated. Under Kenyon's leadership, the Second Company was rated the best united in the entire Rhode Island State Guard. Because of this, the Second Company was often referred to as the "crack company" by members of South Kingstown, in the meaning that it was highly functional and operated smoothly.[8]
The Second Company was often deployed to Fort Kearny during World War I.
Rhode Island Boy Scouts
In 1909, former Rhode Island Senator, member of the South Kingstown Town Council, and friend of Kenyon's, Rowland G. Hazard III, established Troop 1, Wakefield, the first Boy Scout Troop in Rhode Island, after finding his younger brother Thomas P. Hazard drinking and smoking underage. Hazard appointed Kenyon to serve as the Troop's first Scoutmaster to instill discipline in the Scouts. Kenyon appointed Thomas Hazard as the Troop's first Senior Patrol Leader. Kenyon served until 1915, before retiring to take a position on the Rhode Island Boy Scouts council, until it was merged with Boy Scouts of America in 1917, where he then served on the Narragansett Council until 1922.[1][9][10]