Goshta Eka Paithanichi (transl. Tale of a Paithani) is a 2022 Marathi-language film directed by Shantanu Ganesh Rode, produced by Akshay Bardapurkar, Abhayanand Singh, and Piiyush Singh under the banner of Planet Marathi Production, Golden Ratio Films, and Lakeside Productions. The film starring Sayali Sanjeev,[1]Suvrat Joshi,[2]Milind Gunaji[3] and Mrinal Kulkarni.
Principal photography began on 24 November 2019 at Mumbai.[9][10] Filming also took place at Pune and Bhor. Principal photography wrapped up in February 2020.[11][12][13] A official teaser of the film was released on 11 May 2020.[14]