The series follows the zany antics of a goldfish and his family-pet "cousins" left home alone when Mum, Dad, and their two kids, Ginger and her little brother Fred, have gone off to work, school or play.
The series premiered on ABC3 on 9 August 2011[contradictory][3][4] in Australia and ran from 2010 to 2011 (and has been put back on ABC3's schedule weekdays from 2015 to 2016[5]), Canal+ Family in France and on Nine Network's schedule on 26 February in the same year.[6]
Gasp! was broadcast on Nickelodeon in Australia and New Zealand (in both English and Māori), Kabillion in the United States, Pop in the UK and Disney Channel in Latin America.
The series is streaming in Australia on ABC's own ABC iview.[7]
^Terry, Denton (24 March 2021). "Gasp". Retrieved 17 February 2022.