Gary Tabor is an American environmentalist with over 30 years' experience working on behalf of large scale conservation internationally as well as 12 years as a leader within the U.S. environmental philanthropic community. Tabor is known for his role as a catalyst in forwarding progress through large landscape conservation, pioneering the fields of Conservation Medicine and EcoHealth, and advising agencies and organizations about contemporary environmental issues.
Trained as a wildlife veterinarian and ecologist, Tabor graduated in 1981 with a B.Sc. in Ecology from Cornell University. He then went on to receive his V.M.D. in Wildlife Veterinary Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 1987. Tabor also received an M.E.S. in Conservation Biology from Yale University in 1992.
Reaser*, J. K., G. M. Tabor*, D. J. Becker, P. Muruthi, A. Witt, S. J. Woodley, M. Ruiz-Aravena, J. A. Patz, V. Hickey, P. J. Hudson, H. Locke, and R. K. Plowright. 2021. Land use-induced spillover: priority actions for protected and conserved area managers. PARKS (In press) *equal first authors.
Plowright, R. K., J. K. Reaser, H. Locke, S. J. Woodley, J. A. Patz, D. Becker, G. Oppler, P. Hudson, and G. M. Tabor. 2021. A call to action: understanding land use-induced zoonotic spillover to protect environmental, animal, and human health. Lancet Planetary Health.
Reaser, J. K., A. Witt, G. M. Tabor, P. J. Hudson, and R. K. Plowright. 2021. Ecological countermeasures for pandemic prevention. Ecological Restoration.
Belote, R.T., Beier, P., Creech, T., Wurtzebach, Z. and Tabor, G., 2019. A Framework for Developing Connectivity Targets and Indicators to Guide Global Conservation Efforts. BioScience.
Keeley, A.T.H., Beier, P., Creech, T., Jones, K., Jongman, R., Stonecipher, G. and Tabor, G.M., 2019. Thirty years of connectivity conservation planning: an assessment of factors influencing plan implementation. Environmental Research Letters. 30 Sept.
Tabor, G., Bankova-Todorova, M., Ayram, C., Andrés, C., Garcia, L.C., Kapos, V., Olds, A. and Stupariu, I., 2019. Ecological Connectivity: A Bridge to Preserving Biodiversity-Frontiers 2018/19: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern Chapter 2. Frontiers 2018/19: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern. United Nations Environment Program.
M. Cross, E. Zavaleta, D. Bachelet, M. Brooks, C. Enquist, E. Fleishman, L. Graumlich, C. Groves, H. Elizabeth Tabor, and G. Tabor. "A Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Natural Resource Conservation and Management. Conservation Letters (In review).
E. Zavaleta, D. Miller, N. Salafsky, E. Fleishman, M. Weber, B. Gold, D. Hulse, M. Rowen, G. Tabor and J. Vanderryn. "Enhancing the Engagement of U.S. Private Foundations with Conservation Science". Journal of Conservation Biology. 2009. (In press).
D. Lindenmayer, R. Hobbs, R. Montague-Drake, J. Alexandra, A. Bennett, M. Burgman, P. Cale, V. Cramer, P. Cullen, D. Driscoll, J. Franklin, Y. Haila, M. Hunter, P. Gibbons, S. Lake, G. Luck, C. MacGregor, S. McIntyre, R. MacNally, A. Manning, J. Miller, H. Mooney, R. Noss, H. Possingham, D. Saunders, F. Schmiegelow, M. Scott, D. Simberloff, T. Sisk, G. Tabor, B. Walker, J. Wiens, J. Woinarski, and E. Zavaleta. "A Checklist for Ecological Management of Landscapes for Conservation". Ecology Letters. October 2007.
L. Bienen and G. Tabor. "Applying an Ecosystem Approach to Brucellosis Control: Can an Old Conflict Between Wildlife and Agriculture Be Successfully Managed?" Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2006; 4(6): 319-327.
H. Locke and G. Tabor. "The Future of Y2Y" in Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam, F. Schulz. The Mountaineers Books. 2005. Seattle.[5]
G. Tabor and H. Locke. 2004. "Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative" in Managing Mountain Protected Areas: Challenges and Responses for the 21st Century. David Harmon and Graeme Worboys (eds). Colledara, Italy, Andromeda Editrice. 429 pp.
P. Daszak, G. Tabor, A. Marm Kilpatrick, et al. "Conservation Medicine and a New Agenda for Emerging Diseases". Annals of the New York Acadademy of Sciences. 2004; 1026:1-11.[6]
J.A. Patz, P. Daszak, G. Tabor, et al. "Unhealthy Landscapes: Policy Recommendations on Land Use Change and Disease Emergence". Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004. Vol. 112:10 1092-1098.[7]
G. Tabor and A.A. Aguirre. "Ecosystem Health and Sentinel Species: Adding an Ecological Element to the Proverbial 'Canary in the Mineshaft'”. Ecohealth. September 2004. Vol. 1:3.[8]
A.A. Aguirre, R.S. Ostfeld, G. Tabor, C.A. House and M.C. Pearl (eds.). Conservation Medicine: Ecological Health in Practice. 2002. Oxford University Press, New York, 407 pp.[9]
G. Tabor, R.S. Ostfeld, M. Poss, A.P. Dobson, and A.A. Aguirre, "Conservation Biology and the Health Sciences: Defining the Research Priorities of Conservation Medicine" in Research Priorities in Conservation Biology. M.E. Soulé and G.H. Orians (eds.). 2001. 2nd edition. Island Press; Washington, D.C.
C.M. Gillin, G. Tabor, and A.A. Aguirre. 2002. "Ecological Health and Wildlife Disease Management in National Parks" in Conservation Medicine: Ecological Health in Practice. A.A., Aguirre, R.S. Ostfeld, G. Tabor, C.A. House and M.C. Pearl (eds.). 2002. Oxford University Press, New York.