It is part of the Operational Support Unit which provides specialist support to Gardaí nationwide. The Operational Support Unit also includes the Water Support, Dog Support and Air Support units.[citation needed]
History and formation
Historical predecessors to the Garda Mounted unit include the Dublin Horse Police, Dublin Metropolitan Police, and the Royal Irish Constabulary.[1] The Garda Mounted Unit was formed in 1998 when the North Yorkshire Police disbanded its mounted unit allowing the Gardaí to acquire its horses and equipment. It became operational on 17 May that year.[1]
The unit has its base in the Phoenix Park with stables at Áras an Uachtaráin and not at the Garda Headquarters. The unit has a strength of Two Sergeants and Sixteen Gardaí with fourteen horses, with plans for expansion to fifteen horses. The Irish Draught Horse is the preferred breed for the Mounted Unit.[2][3]
The Unit's general duties are high visibility crime prevention and include:[citation needed]
Community policing
Event policing
Support to mainstream Garda operations
Crowd control & public order
Searches for missing persons in inaccessible areas