In a retrospective article for the twenty-fifth anniversary issue, co-founder Halperin wrote of the journal's founding:
Like every good idea I have ever had, the idea of founding GLQ did not originate with me. It was proposed to me early in 1991 by Philip Rappaport, who was working at the time as an acquisitions editor at Gordon and Breach and who was looking for ways to make his job more interesting—specifically by taking account of emerging work in lesbian and gay studies. Philip approached me about the possibility of starting an academic journal, and although I thought it was a terrific idea, I didn’t feel that I could take on such an ambitious project. But I did mention Philip’s proposal, some time later, to Carolyn Dinshaw, whom I had recently met, and she expressed immediate enthusiasm for it. I told her that if she would be willing to do it with me, I would gladly agree to it. She accepted. I got back in touch with Philip. The rest is history.[10]
GLQ was acquired by Duke University Press from Gordon and Breach in 1997 after Gordon and Breach refused to print an article selected by the editors. Gordon and Breach had offices in Malaysia, and Malaysian officials has recently objected to an article in GLQ with anti-Islamic imagery.[11]
^David M. Halperin, "The Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of GLQ," in "GLQ at Twenty-Five," ed. Jennifer DeVere Brody and Marcia Ochoa, special issue, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 25, no. 1 (January 2019): 7–10,