This is the front bench of Pat Rabbitte , who led the Labour Party from 2002 until 2007.
Rabbitte's first shadow cabinet was announced on the afternoon of Monday 4 November 2002.[ 1] [ 2] [ 3]
Pat Rabbitte - Leader and Northern Ireland
Liz McManus - Deputy Leader and Health
Emmet Stagg - Chief Whip and Nuclear Safety
Brendan Howlin - Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Eamon Gilmore - Environment and Local Government
Willie Penrose - Social and Family Affairs
Roisín Shortall - Transport
Joan Burton - Finance
Joe Costello - Justice
Jan O'Sullivan - Education
Kathleen Lynch - Consumer Affairs
Breda Moynihan Cronin - Equality and Law Reform
Brian O'Shea - Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
Michael D. Higgins - Foreign Affairs
Tommy Broughan - Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and Assistant Whip
Jack Wall - Arts, Sports and Tourism
Joe Sherlock - Defence
Mary Upton - Agriculture and Food Safety
Sean Ryan - Older Persons Issues
Seamus Pattison - Leas Ceann Comhairle