Frank McSherry
Computer scientist
Frank McSherry is a computer scientist . McSherry's areas of research include distributed computing and information privacy .
McSherry is known, along with Cynthia Dwork , Adam D. Smith , and Kobbi Nissim , as one of the co-inventors of differential privacy , for which he won the 2017 Gödel Prize .[ 1] Along with Kunal Talwar, he is the co-creator of the exponential mechanism for differential privacy,[ 2] for which they won the 2009 PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies.[ 3]
McSherry has also made notable contributions to stream processing systems.[ 4] In 2019, he founded a startup company for streaming databases called Materialize,[ 5] [ 6] where he is currently chief scientist.[ 7]
^ Chita, Efi. "2017 Gödel Prize" . . Retrieved 19 Oct 2020 .
^ F.McSherry and K.Talwar. Mechanism Design via Differential Privacy. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Symposium of Foundations of Computer Science, 2007.
^ "Past Winners of the PET Award" .
^ Murray, Derek G.; McSherry, Frank; Isaacs, Rebecca; Isard, Michael; Barham, Paul; Abadi, Martín (2013-11-03). "Naiad". Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles . SOSP '13. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 439–455. doi :10.1145/2517349.2522738 . ISBN 978-1-4503-2388-8 . S2CID 14796003 .
^ "Streaming database platform provider Materialize lands $60M" . VentureBeat . 2021-09-30. Retrieved 2021-12-05 .
^ "Materialize scores $40 million investment for SQL streaming database" . TechCrunch . Retrieved 2021-12-05 .
^ "About" . Materialize . Retrieved 2021-12-05 .
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Blum , Dinur , Dwork , McSherry , Nissim , Smith (2021)
Burrows , Ferragina , Manzini (2022)