W. O. Saunders, "Let's Stop Blowing Bubbles," Collier's Weekly, 13 Sept. 1924; reprinted in The Builder, vol. X, No. 10.
Orient of Georgia, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, "The Georgia Scottish Rite Charities" [4]
Noble Forrest Adair (Yaarab Shriners, Atlanta, Georgia), "The Bubbles Speech" (argument presented at the annual meeting of the Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, in Portland, Oregon on 22 June 1920), reprinted in Hart, supra, 20–24.
John D. McGilvray, The Shriners Finest Hour (San Francisco, California: Board of Governors, Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children, 1955)
W. Freeland Kendrick, "Echoes of the Past," Shrine News, [publishing information unknown, presumably in the early 1940s], see Hart, supra, 25–27.