Chapter |
Title |
Foreword |
The Color of Dark in Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
Camille Bacon-Smith
Intro |
Introduction |
Rhonda V. Wilcox and David Lavery
01 |
"Who Died and Made Her the Boss?" Patterns of Mortality in Buffy |
Rhonda V. Wilcox
02 |
"My Emotions Give Me Power": The Containment of Girls' Anger in Buffy |
Elyce Rae Helford
03 |
"I'm Buffy and You're ... History": The Postmodern Politics of Buffy |
Patricia Pender
04 |
Surpassing the Love of Vampires; or, Why (and How) a Queer Reading of the Buffy/Willow Relationship is Denied |
Farah Mendlesohn
05 |
Choosing Your Own Mother: Mother-Daughter Conflicts in Buffy |
J. P. Williams
06 |
Staking in Tongues: Speech Act as Weapon in Buffy |
Karen Eileen Overbey and Lahney Preston-Matto
07 |
Slaying in Black and White: Kendra as Tragic Mulatta in Buffy |
Lynne Edwards
08 |
The Undemonization of Supporting Characters in Buffy |
Mary Alice Money
09 |
"Sometimes You Need a Story": American Christianity, Vampures, and Buffy |
Gregory Erickson
10 |
Darkness Falls on the Endless Summer: Buffy as Gidget for the Fin de Siècle |
Catherine Siemann
11 |
Of Creatures and Creators: Buffy Does Frankenstein |
Anita Rose
12 |
Sex and the Single Vampire: The Evolution of the Vampire Lothario and Its Representation in Buffy |
Diane DeKelb-Rittenhouse
13 |
"Digging the Undead": Death and Desire in Buffy |
Elisabeth Krimmer and Shilpa Raval
14 |
Spirit Guides and Shadow Selves: From the Dream Life of Buffy (and Faith) |
Donald Keller
15 |
Hubble-Bubble, Herbs and Grimoires: Magic, Manichaeanism, and Witchcraft in Buffy |
Tanya Krzywinska
16 |
Whose Side Are You on, Anyway? Children, Adults, and the Use of Fairy Tales in Buffy |
Sarah E. Skwire
17 |
Crossing the Final Taboo: Family, Sexuality, and Incest in Buffyverse Fan Fiction |
Kristina Busse
18 |
"My Boyfriend's in the Band!" Buffy and the Rhetoric of Music |
S. Renee Dechert
19 |
Buffy’s Mary Sue is Jonathan: Buffy Acknowledges the Fans |
Justine Larbalestier
20 | Cliques, Boundaries, and Hierarchies in an Internet Community |
Amanda Zweerink and Sarah N. Gatson
Afterword |
The Genius of Joss Whedon |
David Lavery