Family of Two (A Mother and Son Story) is a 2023 Philippine drama film written by Mel Mendoza-del Rosario and directed by Nuel Crisostomo Naval. Starring Sharon Cuneta and Alden Richards, the film revolves around a worried son who seeks to find a man as a partner for his single mother.
A film produced by Cineko Productions, it was released on December 25, 2023, and it is one of the entries for the 49th Metro Manila Film Festival.
Sharon Cuneta as Maricar, a single mother who became a widow when her son with her husband was five years old.[1] Cuneta is the first choice for the role by Cineko Productions owner Enrico Roque, who wanted to produce a film specifically for the actress.[2]
Alden Richards as Mateo, Maricar's only child.[1] Planning to move to Singapore with his girlfriend, Mateo seeks to find a new partner for his mother.[3] Richards drew inspiration from his mother who has been deceased since 2008 for his portrayal. He noted that for this portrayal, he had to deal with a character who no longer has a living father in contrast to his own situation.[4]
Family of Two was produced under Cineko Productions. Nuel Naval is the director while Mel Medoza-del Rosario is the writer.[5] The film was already in post-production by September 2023.[6]
Family of Two premiered in cinemas in the Philippines on December 25, 2023, as one of the official entries of the 2023 Metro Manila Film Festival.[7]