Fakes is a comedy television series, which premiered in 2022 on CBC Gem in Canada and Netflix internationally.[1] The series stars Emilija Baranac and Jennifer Tong as Zoe and Rebecca, two teenagers in West Vancouver, British Columbia who launch what quickly becomes the largest fake ID empire in North America.[2] The series premiered September 1, 2022.[3]
Each episode is portrayed from the perspective of one of the two young women, making use of the unreliable narrator technique as their respective viewpoints sometimes contradict each other.[2] Richard Harmon, who plays the supporting character Tryst, highlighted this aspect of the show as a fun creative opportunity for him as an actor, because it allowed him to play more than one variation on the character, based on the differing views of his character in each of the main characters' perspectives, instead of having to maintain a single consistent characterization.[4]
The show was confirmed to be cancelled on September 19, 2023. Jen Tong, who played the character Becca on the show, publicly announced the cancellation via social media, expressing her gratitude for the opportunity and thanking the fans for their support. The series had garnered a dedicated following, but ultimately, Netflix decided not to renew it for a second season. [7]