The film premiered on October 31, 1976 at the Oshkosh Grand Opera House and received a positive review from the Daily Northwestern.[5]
When a renovator (Henry Darrow) decides to purchase an old theater with the intent to fix it up and sell it for a profit, he's unaware that the place is a safe haven for the supernatural. As he spends more and more time there, it becomes more apparent that his attentions to the location are very unwelcome.
Author Ray Bradbury was consulted for the film and Jacobs used the film as a project for his students.[6] The students raised $15,000 towards the funding of the film.[7] Filming took place during mid 1976 and Jacobs and his students shot primarily between midnight and 8 am.[7][8] After filming Jacobs claimed that he saw the ghost of Percy Keene, a former manager for the Oshkosh Grand Opera House.[4]