Its first authorization to operate was granted on 26 September 1991 under the name "Protestant Evangelical University in Africa" by Ministerial Decree No. ESU/CAB.MIN/0253/91 dated 26 September 1991.
The first approval and recognition of first-cycle degrees were confirmed by Ministerial Decree No. ESU/CAB.MIN/0313/92, while the second approval and recognition of second-cycle degrees were confirmed by Ministerial Decree No. ESU/CAB.MIN/A5/175/95 dated 9 December 1995. The final accreditation of UEA by presidential decree No. 06/106 was issued on 12 June 2006.
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (with two departments: Phytotechnics and Zootechnics). The first engineers graduated from this faculty in the 1995–1996 academic year, with 11 graduates: 6 zootechnicians and 5 phytotechnicians.
* Department of Phytotechnics and Environment
* Department of Zootechnics and Environment
^Isabel Apawo Phiri, Dietrich Werner, Handbook of Theological Education in Africa, Wipf and Stock Publishers, USA, 2015, p. 178
^BUGWABARI Nicodème, CAZENAVE-PIARROT Alain, PROVINI Olivier, and THIBON Christian, Universités, universitaires en Afrique de l'Est, KARTHALA Editions, France, 2012, p. 147
^Evangelical University in Africa, Faculties,, DRC, accessed June 20, 2020
^Evangelical University in Africa, Our partners,, Democratic Republic of the Congo, accessed May 23, 2020