Drop is an upcoming American thriller film directed by Christopher Landon, and written by Jillian Jacobs and Chris Roach. The film follows a widowed mother who is threatened with unimaginable consequences via her phone. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on April 11, 2025, by Universal Pictures.
Violet, a widowed mother on her first date in years, who arrives at an upscale restaurant where she is relieved that her date, Henry, is more charming and handsome than she expected. But their chemistry begins to curdle as Violet begins being irritated and then terrorized by a series of anonymous drops to her phone. She is instructed to tell nobody and follow instructions, or the hooded figure she sees on her home security cameras will kill Violet's young son and babysitting sister. Violet must do exactly as directed, or everyone she loves will die. Her unseen tormentor's final directive? Kill Henry.[1]
In February 2024, it was announced that a thriller film titled Drop was in development with Christopher Landon directing, Jillian Jacobs and Chris Roach writing, and Meghann Fahy cast in the lead role.[2]