TV series or program
Discovering Psychology Genre Documentary film Directed by West Coast Production: Ann Strunk (director of print projects) and Kim Storey (project director). Updated edition: Christine Herbes-Sommers (project director)[ 1] Presented by Philip Zimbardo (series host)[ 1] Theme music composer Original program: Gene Mackles (open titles & theme music)[ 1] Composers Original program: Tom Phillips (program music). Updated edition: Tom Martin and Tom Phillips (program music).[ 1] Executive producer Original series: William C. Brennan. Updated edition: Michele Korf.[ 1]
Discovering Psychology is a PBS documentary on psychology presented by Philip Zimbardo , for which he received the Carl Sagan Award for Public Understanding of Science . The series was released in 1990, with an updated edition comprising three additional episodes in 2001.
Sensation and Perception
Understanding Research
Remembering and Forgetting
Cognitive Processes
Judgment and Decision Making
Motivation and Emotion
The Mind Awake and Asleep
The Mind Hidden and Divided
The Self
Testing and Intelligence
Sex and Gender
Maturing and Aging
The Power of the Situation
Constructing Social Reality
Health, Mind, and Behavior
Applying Psychology in Life
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cultural Psychology
External links