Set in the 80s, the 10-episode series Dil Bekaraar revolves around the day-to-day shenanigans of Justice LN Thakur, his wife Mamta and their alphabetically named five daughters Anjini, Binodini, Chandu, Debjani and Eshwari.[2]
In 2019, Star India had commissioned the series adaptation of Anuja Chauhan's 2013 novel Those Pricey Thakur Girls for its then streaming service Hotstar under the newly created label Hotstar Specials as the rights for the adaptation was rebound to Chauhan.[3][4]
In early July 2021, Medha Shankar was reportedly cast in the series.[5] By the end of July 2021, casting was completed for the lead roles.[6]
All episodes of the series were premiered on Disney+ Hotstar in India, on Hulu in the United States and on Hotstar globally on 26 November 2021.[7]
The series was unveiled by Disney+ Hotstar as part of the SpecialsX21 line-up along.[8] The first teaser was released in early November 2021 followed by the trailer.[9]
Archika Khurana of The Times Of India rated the series three out of five and overall praised the story ‘Dil Bekaraar,’ with its family drama and romance set in the era of telegrams, typewriters, Doordarshan, and Campa Cola, will definitely take you down the memory lane while recreating the 80s magic. It's enjoyable! .[10] Biswadeep Ghosh of National Herald noted that Dil Bekaraar will make us yearn for those lost years from not-so-far-back in time and might end up binge-watching it on a weekday.[11] Nandini Ramnath of highly praised the performance of the cast and the story that recalls the 80s India.[12] Shreemayee Das of Firstpost noted that the series did a great job of building the world of DD, Campa Cola, and imported perfume and with the help of the opening theme and credits the audience would be immediately placed in that world.[13]