Not to be confused with
identity theft, the use of another person's identity for personal advantage.
Digital kidnapping is the theft of a minor's photos, posing as them, or posing as their parents.[1] DK is commonly done to reveal private or sensitive information that negatively impacts the child's life, making it difficult to gain acceptance to college, or subjecting them to bullying. In rare cases, a kidnapper may assume the identity of a parent, making the impostor's followers believe that they are the child's parent. By posing as a peer or authority figure, adults may also gather information about minors, and use it in real world crimes, such as kidnapping.[2][3]
In the United States, the act of reposting photos is legal, and does not lead to punishment. However the misappropriation of name or likeness is illegal, or can result in a lawsuit.[4] In addition to this, it is illegal to publish private facts, such as addresses and birthdates, under the Publication of Private Facts law.[5]
See also