Desperate Measures is an Australian television documentary series of historical and political matters relating to Indigenous Australians, with three series that aired on National Indigenous Television (NITV) between 2013 and 2018.
Three series went to air on NITV: Series 1 in 2013;[2] Series 2 in 2014;[3] and Series 3 in 2017–18.[4][5][6]
The series is used as a reference in academic papers[7][4] and on websites, such as Redfern Oral History,[8][9] as well as being kept as video resources in academic libraries.[10][11][12]
^ abFreire de Carvalho Frey, Aline (2019). Eco-Fourth Cinema: Indigenous Rights and Environmental Crises. UQ eSpace (PhD). University of Queensland. School of Communication and Arts. p. 100. doi:10.14264/uql.2019.172. Retrieved 17 February 2023. By 2017/18 the NITV weekly schedule was giving space to the community to tell their stories in different ways. This included programs such as: Surviving, presented on Mondays and centred on a one-person story and biography; Desperate Measures screened every Tuesday looked at historical moments and political movements...