The name "Demachiyanagi" is the combined name of "Demachi" district around the Kawaramachi-Imadegawa intersection on the west side of Kamo River, and "Yanagi" district around the east side, which surrounds the station.
The station is separated into two sections: the ground-level Eiden station and the underground Keihan station. Tracks of the two lines are not connected.
Eizan Railway
Demachiyanagi Station
Eizan Electric Railway station
General information
32-1, Tanaka Kamiyanagicho, Sakyo, Kyoto, Kyoto (京都市左京区田中上柳町32-1) Japan
The station owned by Keihan Railway is located under Kawabata Dori. There is an island platform with 2 tracks under the ticket gates. There are ticket gates in the north and the south. The north one is called "Eiden Gate" and the south one is "Imadegawa Gate".
Eizan Railway and the north side of Imadegawa Dori is connected with the Eiden Gate, and the south side of Imadegawa Dori is with the Imadegawa Gate