The fourth season of the German talent show Das Supertalent premiered on September 24, 2010. Once again, Bruce Darnell, Dieter Bohlen and Sylvie van der Vaart all returned as Judges, while Daniel Hartwich and Marco Schreyl returned as hosts. Season 4 had approximately 40,700 applicants, making it the highest amount of applicants in the show's history.[1][2] The auditions began filming on May 16, 2010 in Frankfurt am Main. Other audition locations were Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Munich, Hamburg, Hanover, Leipzig, Berlin, Bochum and finally Cologne on June 20, 2010.[3]
When the first auditions episode was broadcast, it had the best viewing figures for an opening episode out of all seasons: 7.47 million viewers. The second episode the following day topped that with 7.74 million viewers. The final was viewed by 10.07 million.[1]
The number of episodes in the season was increased to 15,[4] while the number of Semi-Final episodes were increased from three to four. In each Semi-Final, 10 acts performed, with the public voting two acts through to the final, and the judges collectively deciding on the third, ending with 12 finalists. The Semi-Finals began on November 27. The eventual winner of the competition and the €100,000, was opera Singer Freddy Sahin-Scholl.[1] The following below lists the results of each participant's overall performance in this series: