D. Darryl Hudson (born 1982 in Lethbridge, Alberta) is a Canadian scientist, inventor, serial entrepreneur and musician. Hudson was awarded the Alexander Graham Bell Canada graduate scholarship and the first MITACS Industrial post-doctoral fellowship award and received his PhD in molecular biology and genetics from Guelph University in 2010 specializing in genetic engineering of crop plants. Dr. Hudson performs studies and clinical research on psilocybin (magic mushrooms), and is the co-founder of GoodCap Pharmaceuticals, a psychedelic pharmaceutical company based in Canada. [1]
Hudson is an expert in plants and fungi and has contributed to groundbreaking studies in the psychedelic field and of the genetics of Cannabis.[2][3] Actively breeding hemp crops in Canada and abroad,[4][5] Hudson has pioneered plant and natural extraction protocols focusing on efficient and safe methods for removal and separation of medical molecules.[6]
Hudson has been active in studying post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specifically working with military veterans to develop both medications and protocols.[7]< Hudson spoke to the US Senate, prior to the groundbreaking legislation that allowed US veterans to receive recommendations for medical marijuana.[8][9] He continues to speak at many international conferences.[10][11][12]
Hudson is also co-author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications and research articles, on plant biology, plant genetics, DNA repair, epigenetics, inflammation, and cancer.[13]