The series centers on the adventures of "chibi" versions of Disney Channel characters as they live in their own universe. The episodes feature several Chibi Tiny Tales shorts, hosted by specific characters who, unlike the shorts, actually speak. As the hosts introduce themselves and announce the next short, a plot is intertwined throughout these snippets until the episode's conclusion.
In the second season, the series switches to a faux game show format though the season finale is a comedy roast.
Starting in the third season, each episode of the series is split into 3 segments each, replacing the anthology shorts format.[1][2][3]
In July 2022, Disney Television Animation announced that the series, based on the Chibi Tiny Tales shorts, would premiere on July 30.[5] The show consists of shorts centered on "chibi" versions of characters from various Disney Channel programs such as Amphibia and Phineas and Ferb, as well as Disney Channel films such as Zombies and High School Musical, compiled into a half-hour series.[6] Some shorts are sometimes repeated.
Rob Cantor and Dan Siegel wrote the theme song, with Cantor performing alongside Baraka May.[7]
Molly McGee and Tilly Green start the first "Chibiverse" show, which they plan to end with a big spectacle. However, Cricket Green and Scratch have a heated argument on whether the spectacle should be a fireworks show or a pizza party, respectively. After voting ends in a tie and Scratch and Cricket attempted to sabotage each other, Scratch ends up winning by convincing Tilly to vote for him. Cricket, however, ultimately finds a compromise by using Dr. Doofenshmirtz' fireworks launcher to shoot fireworks made of pizza.
At the start of the show, Hop Pop breaks theatrical superstitions by wishing Anne and Sprig good luck and saying Macbeth. The Chibi Theater begins to experience bad luck, which only worsens after Hop Pop finds a 13-leaf clover. After asking Molly McGee for advice, Anne, Sprig, Cricket, and Tilly summon the ghost of the Chibi Theater: Scratch. After Scratch denies causing the bad luck, Sprig discovers that Polly was causing the bad luck as she was not asked to host the show. The chibis then end the show with a human pyramid, which topples after Cricket gloats.
Featured shorts:
Amphibia: "Gobble Gobble Goggles" / "Anne in Quicksand" / "Hop Pop Photo Op" / "Bucket Blues" / "Selfie Safari"
Phineas Flynn announces plans for a best friend disco dance off. Dr. Doofenshmirtz brings in his Best Friendinator, which accidentally causes the chibis to forget their best friends. After Phineas is unable to remind the chibis of their best friends, Luz Noceda flies in and attempts to fix the situation with magic; however, Doofenshmirtz interferes with the spell. As a result, the chibis remember their best friends but swap body parts. After watching "Ice Cream Rewind", the chibis build a Rewindinator to rewind time and undo Doofenshmirtz's mistakes. The chibis then celebrate with their dance off.
Molly McGee and Penny Proud announce plans for a chibi pet parade when the chibi villains arrive to take over the Chibiverse. Unimpressed by the depiction of villains in the chibi shorts, King Andrias orders Princess Audrey to imprison the chibis, though she accidentally imprisons a cardboard cutout of Molly and Penny. After Molly distracts the villains, Puff uses a new trick that he learned to turn his tail into a key and pick open the lock on the pets' cage. The pets then capture the villains and take part in their pet parade.
Featured shorts:
Amphibia: "Mantis Bowling" / "The Amphibia House" / "Pirates of the Caribbean x Amphibia"
Big City Greens: "Prune Wars" / "Tower of Terror" / "Say It Ain't Snow" / "Big City Greens Christmas Marathon"
Kiff Chatterley hosts the first ever Chibiverse game show "The Chibi Quiz Challenge!", where three contestants (Flintheart Glomgold, later replaced by Launchpad McQuack, Marcy Wu, and Suga Mama) answer questions based on the chibi shorts that are seen throughout the show. Launchpad has difficulty answering questions, Marcy has several unlucky mishaps, and Suga Mama wins a recliner. By accident, Launchpad wins the grand prize, which was stolen by Flintheart Glomgold and then recovered by Vasquez.
Featured shorts:
Amphibia: "Frogs in Space" (2) / "Selfie Safari" (2)
Big City Greens: "Turkey Tussle" (2) / "Grandma vs Grandson"
Disney Channel: "Chibis Out to the Ballgame" / "Happy Birthday, Disney Channel!"
Tilly Green hosts a chibi couple game with Star and Marco, Luz and Amity, and Hailey and Scott, the later of whom entered due to a mistake by Scott and to Hailey's surprise as they are not dating. Despite that, Hailey and Scott pull ahead as Beta was rigging the game in an attempt to get them to kiss. After Scott purposely gets the final question wrong, Star and Marco and Luz and Amity win.
Tater Ramirez Humphrey and Kiff Chatterley host a roast of Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Scratch and Marcy Wu take part in the roast with the latter struggling until she is briefly possessed by Darcy. Perry the Platypus takes part after consuming a Gyro Gearloose Barksian Modulator allowing him to talk for the first time. At the end of the roast, Dr. Doofenshmirtz reveals that it was a scheme to take over the Chibiverse by covering it with glue using his "I'm Rubber And You're Glue Whatever You Say Bounces Off Of Me And Sticks To You-Inator". The Inator then self destructs after the chibis compliment Dr. Doofenshmirtz.
The Grown Ups Island: All the grown-ups are fed up with their children’s loud and annoying antics, but when one of the scientists[a] accidentally drops a crumb from his pumpernickel onto the Chibiverse, all the chibis mistake it for an island. Cricket Green, Tater Ramirez-Humphrey and Kiff Chatterly want the island to be for children only but the grown-ups take the island for themselves, due to all the commotion in their current state. Cricket, Tater and Kiff decide to crash Grown-Ups Island as they think the adults are doing fun stuff, but must get past Vasquez. When they succeed, the three are later not interested in Grown-Ups Island anymore when they learn that the adults are doing grown-up stuff like washing dishes or doing taxes. However, when the kids leave the adults put that stuff away and start doing the fun stuff the kids thought they were doing.
An Opposites Attack: On a hot day, the chibis cool off at the Chibiverse pool. Anne Boonchuy is excited for her "Calamity Trio" synchronized swim routine with Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu. However, Marcy isn’t really good at synchronizing so Helen gives her a potion to make her the opposite of who she is. When Marcy accidentally drops the potion into the pool, it affects the other chibis instead. Fortunately, Helen has an antidote potion but Molly McGee steals it, forcing the two to give chase. Molly recruits Mabel Pines and Tilly Green on her evil plot to "en-saddify" the Chibiverse. Marcy and Helen come to Launchpad McQuack, Scott Denoga and Barry Buns (who are now smart) for help. The three come up with a plan to retrieve the antidote potion and it succeeds perfectly, turning the Chibiverse back to normal. Anne and Sasha accept Marcy’s differences and still allow her to be part of the swim routine.
Stan’s 11: Scrooge McDuck upgrades his security and defense measures in the Money Bin and vows to give 1 million Chibi coins to anyone who attempts and succeeds in breaking into his vault. However, Stanley Pines recruits the T-Sisters (Tere, Tabi and Toñita Ramirez), Helen, Scratch, Perry the Platypus, Soos Ramirez, Cricket and Tilly Green, Sprig Plantar and Eliza Zambi in his new team "Stan’s 11", to break into and rob the Money Bin. Soos was hired as a janitor for the Money Bin and opens the door for the rest of the group. The vault takes four keys to open, which each is separated in its own location. Stan’s 11 successfully retrieves all the four keys needed to open the vault, only to discover that Soos was actually Scrooge McDuck in disguise. However, Stans was actually the disguise of Ford, his twin brother, with the real Stan already inside the vault. It is revealed that the promised 1 million Chibi coins were actually chocolate covered in gold wrappers.
Chibiverse premiered on Disney Channel on July 30, 2022. Episodes from the first season were uploaded to Disney Channel's YouTube channel prior to their television debuts on the same days.[16] The first season was added to Disney+ on March 8, 2023.[17]