In 2013, Chandini Sreedharan debuted with the Tamil movie Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu, directed by Sasi. She played the female lead opposite Bharath. She was known as Mrithika in the film credits. Her second movie was in Telugu, Chakkiligintha, directed by Vema Reddy. She played the female lead opposite Sumanth Ashwin. She was credited as Rehhana in this film.
Her third movie was in Malayalam,[2]KL 10 Patthu, directed by Muhsin Parari.[3][4] She played the female lead opposite Unni Mukundan. This time she used her real name, and plans to do the same in all industries in the future. Then she acted in the Malayalam movie Darvinte Parinamam directed by Jijo Antony. She played the female lead opposite Prithviraj.[5][6]