During the Early Jurassic, concretely towards the Toarcian, the Lombardy Basin became a relatively deep, fully pelagic area, located between the so called Lugano High, at the west, and the Trento Plateau to the east, with several troughs and palaeohighs (West to east: Monte Nudo Trough, Lugano High, Generoso Trough, Corni di Canzo High, Albenza Plateau, Monte Cavallo High, Sebino Trough and Botticino High).[3] The formation is characterized by a disposition of regional deposition equivalent to the German Posidonia Shale, with a benthonic setting and deposition trends, mostly populated by marine fauna.[4] The environment of the formation was related to a marginal marine deposit, with probably epicontinetal deposition from near land environments, being connected to the central European seas and the North African currents of the Toarcian.[5] The formation is linked with the Toarcian Anoxic Event, that is measured in the “Fish Level”, that is also the most fossiliferous section.[6]
Two cores, the Colle di Sogno and Gajum are among the best sections that recovered the ecological changes in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian Lombardy Basin.[7] Carbon-and oxygen-isotope data calibrated against nannofossil biostratigraphy has shown that the palaeobathymetry of the deposits was about 1000 and 1500 m, being the deepest records of the T-OAE in the western Tethyan region.[8]
As the Sogno Formation was deposited mostly on a Pelagic setting, influenced by both the European and African bioregions, taxa of several provenance mix on this layers. The Nannofosil assemblage, that ranges from moderate/poor to good decreasing in the Toarcian AOE (drastic decrease in total abundance is observed in the Fish Level), includes the taxa Lotharingius (L. hauffii, L. sigillatus, L. crucicentralis, L. velatus), Discorhabdus ignotus, Diductius constans, Carinolithus (C. poulnabronei, C. superbus), Mitrolithus jansae and Watznaueria sp.1 in the Gajum Core, while the Sogno Core shows abundance of the genera Biscutum, Calyculus, Carinolithus and Crepidolithus, whereas Bussonius, Diductius, Similiscutum, Parhabdolithus and Tubirhabdus are extremely rare.[9] The overall structure of this microtaxa assemblage trends to suggest a correlation with the biohorizon seen in coeval layers in the Lusitanian Basin, where is observed a common trend in the Western Tethys of north-south migration pathway for several organisms, including calcareous nannoplankton and ammonites.[9]
A local index genus for environment evolution is Schizosphaerella spp. (specially S. punctulata), showing a lower valve size than in coeval layers on connected basins (Lusitanian and Paris Basins), as local result of the Lower Toarcian Jenkyns Event, indicating changues in ocean acidification and fertility rather than temperature.[10]
A posidoniidostreoidan. The habitat and mode of life of Bositra has been debated for more than a century. There have been different interpretations, such as a pseudoplanktonic organism,[12] a benthic organism related to open marine floor, where it was the main inhabitant of the basinal settings, and a hybrid mode, where it has a life cycle with holopelagic reproduction controlled by the change on Oxygen levels, and even a chemosymbiotic lifestile, related to the large crinoid rafts, being the main "Safe conduct" to evade anoxic events. All the opinions along the years led to a large study in 1998, where the size/frequency distribution, the density of growth thanks to the lines related to the shell size and the position of the redox boundary by total organic carbon diagrams has revealed that Bositra probably had a benthic mode of life.[13]
Type member of the family Pholidophoridae inside Pachycormiformes. A small sized fish, mostly related to marine deposits, associated with various predatory behaviours, including coeloids and Crocodrylomorphs.
A Thalattosuchian marine crocodrylomorph of the family Teleosauridae.The specimens found where of small size, with several characters such as opened neurocentral vertebral sutures and non sutured caudal pleurapophyses, that led to expeculate a possible juvenile or subadult status.
Several plant leaves and fragments of wood were not identified.[18]
Affinities with the Cheirolepidiaceae and Araucariaceae. Arbustive to arboreal plants with several leaf morphotypes, probably from nearshore environments.
^Bioturbed hazel-gray limestones in planar layers of about 20 cm, with concentration of gray flint and gray & reddish marls, along with calcareous marl.[1]
^Schweigert, G. (2003). "The lobster genus Uncina Quenstedt, 1851 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Astacidea: Uncinidae) form the Lower Jurassic". Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. 332 (4): 1–43.