Wedding planner/caterer Max is staging a wedding at a 17th-century chateau, in the course of which he must deal with a volatile, often foul-mouthed assistant, missing staff, incompetent waiters, a demanding, egocentric groom, iffy electrical system, a rebellious substitute DJ, and a whole lot more.
Interwoven with his professional woes are his personal ones. He is on a trial separation from his wife and his French grammarian brother-in-law, who is also one of his waiters, is a former admirer of the bride. Max's other assistant is his mistress, who threatens to end their relationship and starts hitting on one of the waiters to prove it. And it's Max's birthday.
At the end of a string of safely negotiated disasters a runaway fireworks display and a crashed electrical system at the height of the event finally make him give up in despair and walk away... only to discover that his staff have surmounted the obstacles to create an outstanding, one-of-a-kind wedding celebration, Le sens de la fête: the meaning of the party.