The history of Burleith can be traced back to 1886, when the Huidekoper family came into ownership of the Burleith tract of land. During their tenure as residents, they built a few buildings, but kept most of the land as woods and fields. In 1922 the Huidekopers sold the land to Shannon and Luchs, Inc. Instead of keeping the land in its natural state like the previous owners, Shannon and Luchs decided to hire an architect to develop the area. The architect designed homes with moderate prices between $8,950-$13,500 that were targeted for middle class residents with "moderate income, but above average taste".[1]
Burleith Citizens Association
In 1925 the Burleith Citizens Association was developed to deal with civic and social issues concerning the neighborhood. Issues have included parking, noise control, traffic lights, and the relationship with neighboring Georgetown University. The Association also plans social activities, such as picnics and children events.[1] Burleith is in Ward 2 and belongs to ANC 2E along with Georgetown and Hillandale.