Book of Dede Korkut

Book of Dede Korkut
Front page of the Dresden manuscript
Original titleDresden manuscript: Kitāb-ı Dedem Ḳorḳud Alā Lisān-ı Tāife-i Oġuzān
(The Book of my Grandfather Korkut according to the language of the tribe of the Oghuz)[1]
Vatican manuscript: Hikāyet-ı Oġuznāme-ı Kazan Beġ ve Gayrı
(The Story of Oguzname, Kazan Beg and the Others)[2]
Gonbad manuscript: Cild-i Duyyum-i Kitāb-i Türkmän (ä)lsānî
("The Second Volume of the Book of the Turkmens")[3]
LanguageOghuz Turkic
Subject(s)The stories carry morals and values significant to the social lifestyle of the nomadic Turks.
Genre(s)Epic poetry
Publication datec. 14th or 15th century
Heritage of Dede Qorqud/Korkyt Ata/Dede Korkut, epic culture, folk tales and music
CountryAzerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkey
RegionEurope and North America
Inscription history
Inscription2018 (13th session)

The Book of Dede Korkut or Book of Korkut Ata (Azerbaijani: Kitabi-Dədə Qorqud, کتاب دده قورقود; Turkmen: Kitaby Dädem Gorkut; Turkish: Dede Korkut Kitabı) is the most famous among the dastans or epic stories of the Oghuz Turks. The stories carry morals and values significant to the social lifestyle of the nomadic Turkic peoples and their pre-Islamic beliefs. The book's mythic narrative is part of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Oghuz origin, mainly of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Turkmenistan.[4] Only two manuscripts of the text, one in the Vatican and one in Dresden, were known before a third manuscript was discovered in a private collection in Gonbad-e Kavus, Iran, in 2018.

The epic tales of Dede Korkut are some of the best-known Turkic dastans from among a total of well over 1000 recorded epics among the Turkic and Mongolian language families.[5]

Origin and synopsis of the epic

Dede Korkut is a heroic dastan, also known as the Oghuznama among the Oghuz,[6] which starts in Central Asia, continues in Anatolia, and centers most of its action in the Caucasus.[7] According to Barthold, "it is not possible to surmise that this dastan could have been written anywhere but in the Caucasus".[8]

The Dede Korkut is the principal repository of ethnic identity, history, customs and the value systems of the Oghuz throughout history. It commemorates struggles for freedom when the Oghuz were a herding people, although "it is clear that the stories were put into their present form at a time when the Turks of Oghuz descent no longer thought of themselves as Oghuz."[9] From the mid-10th century on, the term Oghuz was gradually supplanted among the Turks themselves by Turkoman; this process was completed by the beginning of the 13th century. The Turcomans were those Turks, mostly but not exclusively Oghuz, who had embraced Islam and begun to lead a more sedentary life than their forefathers.[10] In the 14th century, a federation of Turcoman tribesmen, the Aq Qoyunlu, established a confederation centered in eastern Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iraq and western Iran.[11]


The twelve stories that comprise the bulk of the work were written down after the Turks converted to Islam, and the heroes are often portrayed as good Muslims while the villains are referred to as infidels, but there are also many references to the Turks' pre-Islamic magic. The character Dede Korkut, i.e. "Grandfather Korkut", is a widely renowned soothsayer and bard, and serves to link the stories together, and the thirteenth chapter of the book compiles sayings attributed to him.

In the dastans, Dede Korkut appears as the aksakal [literally 'white-beard,' the respected elder], the advisor or sage, solving the difficulties faced by tribal members. ... Among the population, respected aksakals are wise and know how to solve problems; among ashiks [reciters of dastans] they are generally called dede [grandfather]. In the past, this term designated respected tribal elders, and now is used within families; in many localities of Azerbaijan, it replaces ata [ancestor or father].[12]

The historian Rashid-al-Din Hamadani (d. 1318) says that Dede Korkut was a real person and lived for 295 years; that he appeared in the time of the Oghuz ruler Inal Syr Yavkuy Khan, by whom he was sent as ambassador to the Prophet; that he became Muslim; that he advised the Great Khan of the Oghuz, attended the election of the Great Khan, and gave names to children.[13]

The tales tell of warriors and battles and are likely grounded in the conflicts between the Oghuz and the Pechenegs and Kipchaks. Many story elements are familiar to those versed in the Western literary tradition.[14] For example, the story of a monster named Tepegöz "Goggle-Eye" bears enough resemblance to the encounter with the Cyclops in Homer's Odyssey that it is believed to have been influenced by the Greek epic or to have one common ancient Anatolian root. The book also describes in great detail the various sports activities of the ancient Turkic peoples:

Dede Korkut (1000–1300) clearly referred to certain physical activities and games. In Dede Korkut's description, the athletic skills of Turks, both men and women, were described to be "first-rate," especially in horse-riding, archery, cirit (javelin throw), wrestling and polo, which are considered Turkish national sports.[15]


The beginning of the first chapter, "Boghach Khan Son of Dirse Khan", of the Dede Korkut, 16th-century Dresden manuscript
  1. Boghach Khan Son of Dirse Khan: tells the story of the miraculous birth of Boghach Khan, how he grew up to become a mighty warrior and earned a princedom, how his father Dirse Khan was tricked by his own warriors into trying to kill him, how his mother (unnamed) saved his life, and how he rescued his father from the treacherous warriors; Korkut arrives at the celebration and creates the story;
  2. How Salur Kazan's House was Pillaged: tells how the infidel (i.e., non-Muslim) Georgian King Shökli raided Salur Kazan [az]'s encampment while Kazan and his nobles were hunting, how Kazan and the heroic shepherd Karajuk teamed up to track down Shökli, how Kazan's wife Lady Burla and son Uruz showed quick-thinking and heroism in captivity, and how Kazan's men arrived to help Kazan defeat Shökli;[16]
  3. Bamsi Beyrek of the Grey Horse: tells how the young son of Prince Bay Büre proved his worth and earned the name Bamsi Beyrek, how he won the hand of Lady Chichek against the resistance of her brother Crazy Karchar, how he was kidnapped by King Shökli's men and held captive for 16 years, and how he escaped upon hearing that Lady Chichek was being given to another man and how he won her back; Korkut appears as an actor in the story, giving Beyrek his name and later helping him outwit Crazy Karchar;
  4. How Prince Uruz Son of Prince Kazan was Taken Prisoner: tells how Salur Kazan realized that his son Uruz was sixteen but had never seen battle, how Kazan and Uruz were attacked by the infidels while on a hunt, how Uruz entered the fray and was taken captive, how Lady Burla reacted on realizing her son was in danger, how Kazan tracked down the infidels and how Uruz begged him to flee, and how Lady Burla and Kazan's men arrived and helped Kazan rescue Uruz; this story mentions three infidel kings: Shökli, Kara Tüken, and Bughachuk, who is beheaded;
  5. Wild Dumrul Son of Dukha Koja: tells how Wild Dumrul offended God by challenging Azrael, how Dumrul realized his mistake and found favor with Allah on condition that someone agrees to die in his place, how Dumrul's parents refused to die in place but his wife agreed, how Dumrul asked Allah to spare his wife and how Allah granted them 140 years; Korkut commands that this story be kept alive by the bards;
  6. Kan Turali Son of Kanli Koja: tells how Kan Turali won the heart and hand of infidel Princess Saljan of Trebizond by bare-handedly defeating a bull, a lion, and a camel, how the Princess's father changed his mind and sent 600 warriors to kill him, and how the Princess helped Kan Turali defeat her father's men; Korkut also appears in the story as the storyteller at the wedding;
  7. Yigenek Son of Kazilik Koja: tells how Kazilik Koja is captured by the infidel King Direk of Arshuvan while trying to raid Düzmürd Castle on the Black Sea, how he was held 16 years, how his son Yigenek grew up not knowing his father was a captive, how Yigenek found out his father was alive and asked permission from Bayindir Khan to rescue him, and how Yigenek defeated King Direk after Bayindir's other men failed; Korkut shows up at the celebration;
  8. How Basat Killed Tepegöz: tells how Basat was raised by a lioness and how Tepegöz was born of a human father and a peri mother, how the two boys were raised as brothers, how Tepegöz terrorized the Oghuz by demanding they continually provide young men and sheep for him to eat, how Basat was convinced by one of the Oghuz mothers to fight Tepegöz , and how Basat defeated Tepegöz in a fight that borrows heavily from the Polyphemus story in the Odyssey; Korkut plays a role in this story of the mediator between Tepegöz and the Oghuz;
  9. Emren Son of Begil: tells how Begil becomes warden of Georgia for Bayindir Khan, but is tempted to rebel after feeling slighted by the Khan; how he breaks his leg after being thrown from a horse while hunting; how Shökli learns of his injury and attempts to attack him; how Begil's son Emren takes his armor and leads Begil's men to defend him; how God answers Emren's prayer for strength and how Emren gets Shökli to convert to Islam; how Begil and Bayindir Khan are reconciled;
  10. Segrek Son of Ushun Koja: tells how Ushun Koja's elder son, Egrek, was captured by the Black King near Julfa and thrown into the dungeon of Alinja Tower; how Ushon Koja's younger son, Segrek, grew up not knowing about his brother's captivity until he was taunted about it by some boys; how Ushon Koja and his wife tried to prevent Segrek from going to find Egrek by marrying him; how Segrek refused to lie with his wife until he found out his brother's fate; how Segrek finds his way to the Black King's castle and fends off several attacks by the Black King's men, but is eventually overtaken by sleep; how the Black King promises to release Egrek if he will take care of this mysterious assailant; how Egrek and Segrek recognize each other, defeat the Black King's men and return home;
  11. How Salur Kazan was Taken Prisoner and How His Son Uruz Freed Him: tells how Salur Kazan was captured at Tomanin Castle in Trebizond; how he taunted the infidels and refused to praise them; how his son Uruz grew up not knowing about his father, and how he found out about his father's imprisonment; how Uruz led an army of nobles to rescue Salur Kazan; how they attacked the Ayasofia in Trebizond; how Salur was sent to protect the castle from the assailants but learned who they were and did not kill them; how he and his son were reunited, how they attacked the infidels, and how they returned home;[17]
  12. How the Outer Oghuz Rebelled against the Inner Oghuz and How Beyrek Died: How the Outer Oghuz rebel against Kazan Khan after feeling he had slighted them in favor of the Inner Oghuz; how Kazan's uncle Uruz, leading the rebels, tries to get his son-in-law Beyrek to join the rebellion, and how he kills Beyrek for refusing; how Beyrek is taken home, where he calls on Kazan to avenge him; how Kazan and his forces defeat Uruz, after which the surviving rebels surrender and reconcile with Kazan;
  13. The Wisdom of Dede Korkut


Gorkut Ata (Dede Korkut) Statue in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

The language of the Gonbad manuscript is of a mixed character and depicts vivid characteristics of the period of transition from later Old Oghuz Turkic to the Early Modern Turkic of Iranian Azerbaijan. However, there are also orthographical, lexical and grammatical structures peculiar to Chaghatai, which shows that the original work was written in the area between the Syr Darya and Anatolia, later rewritten in Safavid Iran in the second half of the 16th century and again in Qajar Iran in the second half of the 18th century.[18] However, the manuscript also boasts a couple of Persian word groups, such as Dāvūd-ı nebī (Prophet Dawud), Şāh-ı merdān ("shah of the valiant", Ali), taḫt-ı Mıṣır (the throne of Egypt) and others.[19]

The following sentences are a few of many sayings that appear in the Gonbad manuscript:[20]

Manuscript tradition

A copy of Book of Dede Korkut in Dresden, Germany.

Since the early 18th century, the Book of Dede Korkut has been translated into French, English, Russian and Hungarian.[21][22] However, it was not until it caught the attention of H.F. Von Diez, who published a partial German translation of Dede Korkut in 1815, based on a manuscript found in the Royal Library of Dresden,[23] that Dede Korkut became widely known to the West. The only other manuscript of Dede Korkut was discovered in 1950 by Ettore Rossi in the Vatican Library.[24] Until Dede Korkut was transcribed on paper, the events depicted therein survived in the oral tradition, at least from the 9th and 10th centuries. The "Bamsi Beyrek" chapter of Dede Korkut preserves almost verbatim the immensely popular Central Asian dastan Alpamysh, dating from an even earlier time. The stories were written in prose, but peppered with poetic passages. Recent research by Turkish and Turkmen scholars revealed, that the Turkmen variant of the Book of Dede Korkut contains sixteen stories, which have been transcribed and published in 1998.[25]

In 2018, the Gonbad manuscript was discovered. The first leaf of the Gonbad manuscript is missing. For this reason, it is not known how the name of the manuscript was recorded in writing.[26]

The language of the Gonbad manuscript is of a mixed character and depicts vivid characteristics of the period of transition from later Old Oghuz Turkic to Early Modern Turkic of Iranian Azerbaijan. However, there are also orthographical, lexical, and grammatical structures peculiar to Chaghatai, which shows that the original work was written in the area between the Syr Darya and Anatolia, and later rewritten in Safavid Iran in the second half of the 16th century. It was later copied again in the same area in the second half of the 18th century during the Qajar dynasty.[18]

Dating the composition

Depiction of Gorkut Ata (Dede Korkut) in 2006 Turkmen coins.

The work originated as a series of epics orally told and transferred over the generations before being published in book form. There are numerous versions collected of the stories. It is thought that the first versions were in natural verse since Turkish is an agglutinative language, but that they gradually transformed into combinations of verse and prose as the Islamic elements affected the narrative over time.

Various dates have been proposed for the first written copies. Geoffrey Lewis dates it fairly early in the 15th century,[27] with two layers of text: a substratum of older oral traditions related to conflicts between the Oghuz and the Pechenegs and Kipchaks and an outer covering of references to the 14th-century campaigns of the Aq Qoyunlu.[28] Cemal Kafadar agrees that it was no earlier than the 15th century since "the author is buttering up both the Akkoyunlu and the Ottoman rulers".[Note 1]

However, in his history of the Ottoman Empire, Stanford J. Shaw (1977), dates it in the 14th century.[Note 2] Professor Michael E. Meeker argues for two dates, saying that the versions of the stories we have today originated as folk stories and songs no earlier than the 13th century and were written down no later than the early the 15th century.[28] At least one of the stories (Chapter 8) existed in writing at the beginning of the 14th century, from an unpublished Arabic history, ibn al-Dawadari's Durar al-Tijan, written in the Mamluk Sultanate sometime between 1309 and 1340.[30]

A precise determination is impossible to come by due to the nomadic lifestyle of the early Turkic peoples, in which epics such as that of Dede Korkut passed from generation to generation in an oral form. This is especially true of an epic book such as this, which is a product of a long series of narrators, any of whom could have made alterations and additions, right down to the two 16th-century scribes who authored the oldest extant manuscripts.[31] The majority of scholars of ancient Turkic epics and folk tales, such as Russian-Soviet academician Vasily Bartold and British scholar Geoffrey Lewis, believed that the Dede Korkut text "exhibits a number of features characteristic of Azeri, the Turkish dialect of Azerbaijan".[32]

Soviet treatment

1999 Stamps of Azerbaijan commemorating the 1300th Anniversary of Kitab-i Dede Gorgud

The majority of the Turkic peoples and lands described in the Book of Dede Korkut were part of the Soviet Union from 1920 until 1991, and thus most of the research and interest originated there. The attitude towards the Book of Dede Korkut and other dastans related to the Turkic peoples was initially neutral.

Turkish historian Hasan Bülent Paksoy argues that after Joseph Stalin solidified his grip on power in the USSR, and especially in the early 1950s, a taboo on Turkology was firmly established. He observed that the first full-text Russian edition of the Book of Dede Korkut, by Azerbaijani academicians Hamid Arasly and M.G.Tahmasib and based on the Barthold translation of the 1920s, was published on a limited basis only in 1939 and again in 1950.[12][33] He asserts, "Turkic scholars and literati (who raised the same issues) were lost to the Stalinist 'liquidations' or to the 'ideological assault' waged on all dastans in 1950–52."[12] According to Paksoy, this taboo of the early 1950s was also expressed in the "Trial of Alpamysh" (1952–1957), when "all dastans of Central Asia were officially condemned by the Soviet state apparatus".

Soviet authorities criticized Dede Korkut for promoting bourgeois nationalism. In a 1951 speech delivered at the 18th Congress of the Azerbaijani Communist Party, Azerbaijani communist leader Mir Jafar Baghirov advocated expunging the epic from Azerbaijani literature, calling it a "harmful" and "antipopular book" that "is shot through with the poison of nationalism, chiefly against the Georgian and Armenian brother-peoples."[34]

Nevertheless, the publication of dastans did not wholly cease during that period, as editions of Alpamysh were published in 1957, 1958 and 1961,[35] as they had been in 1939, 1941, and 1949;[36] the entry on dastans in the second edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (volume 13, 1952) does not contain any "condemnation" either.[37] Despite the liberalization of the political climate after the denunciation of Stalinism by Nikita Khrushchev in February 1956, the same "Barthold" edition of the Book of Dede Korkut was re-published only in 1962 and in 1977. Problems persisted until perestroika, when the last full edition in Azerbaijani was sent for publication on July 11, 1985 but only received permission for printing on February 2, 1988.[12]

Cultural legacy

A 1975 Azeri film, Dada Gorgud, is based on the epic.[38]

In 1998, Azerbaijan and UNESCO nominated, and in 2000 celebrated, the "One thousand three hundredth anniversary of the epic poem Kitab-i Dede Qorqud".[39]

In 1999 the National Bank of Azerbaijan minted gold and silver commemorative coins for the 1,300th anniversary of the epic.[40] The epic culture, folk tales and music of Dede Qorqud has been included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO in November 2018.[41]

See also


  1. ^ "It was not earlier than the 15th century. Based on the fact that the author is buttering up both the Akkoyunlu and Ottoman rulers, it has been suggested that the composition belongs to someone living in the undefined border region lands between the two states during the reign of Uzun Hassan (1466–78). G. Lewis on the hand dates the composition 'fairly early in the 15th century at least'."[27]
  2. ^ "The greatest folk product of the 14th century was the prose collection of Dede Korkut, the oldest surviving examples of Oghuz Turkmen epic. Dede Korkut relates the struggles of Turkmens with the Georgians and Abkhaza Circassians in the Caucasia as well as with the Byzantine Empire of Trebizond, adding stories of relationships and conflicts within Turkomen tribes."[29]


  1. ^ Karl Reichl (2011). Medieval Oral Literature. p. 687.
  2. ^ Felix J. Oinas (1978). Heroic Epic and Saga: An Introduction to the World's Great Folk Epics. p. 312.
  3. ^ Azmun, Yusuf (29 January 2020). "The New Dädä Qorqut Tales from the Recently-Found Third Manuscript of the Book of Dädä Qorqut". Journal of Old Turkic Studies. 4 (1): 18. doi:10.35236/jots.677980.
  4. ^ Barthold (1962)""The book of my grandfather Korkut" ("Kitab-i dedem Korkut") is an outstanding monument of the medieval Oghuz heroic epic. Three modern Turkic-speaking peoples - Turkmens, Azerbaijanis and Turks - are ethnically and linguistically related to the medieval Oghuzes. For all these peoples, the epic legends deposited in the "Book of Korkut" represent an artistic reflection of their historical past."
  5. ^ Moghaddam, Emarati (21 April 2014). "Mongolian-Turkic Epics: Typological Formation and Development". New Literary Studies. 47 (3): 157–181. doi:10.22067/jls.v47i3.45359.
  6. ^ "Dastan". Great Soviet Encyclopedia (in 30 volumes), Third edition, Moscow, 1970
  7. ^ "Китаби деде Коркуд" [The book of my grandfather Korkud in the language of the Oguz tribe]. (in Russian). 25 May 2005. Archived from the original on 25 May 2005. Retrieved 26 January 2019.
  8. ^ Barthold (1962), p. 120
  9. ^ Lewis (1974), p. 9
  10. ^ Lewis (1974), p. 10
  11. ^ Lewis (1974), p. 16–17
  12. ^ a b c d Dadashzade, Memmed (July 1990). "Ethnographic Information Concerning Azerbaijan Contained in the Dede Korkut dastan". Soviet Anthropology and Archeology. 29 (1): 69–85. doi:10.2753/AAE1061-1959290169. hdl:20.500.12323/240.
  13. ^ Lewis (1974), p. 12
  14. ^ Dinçaslan, M. Bahadırhan. "Karşılaştırmalı Mitoloji: Dede Korkut Alman Mıydı? -". Retrieved 26 January 2019.
  15. ^ Yurdadon, Ergun (2003). "Sport In Turkey: The Pre-Islamic Period". The Sport Journal. 6 (3).
  16. ^ "Bir Dede Korkut Çevirisi Denemesi".
  17. ^ "Dede Korkut Çevirisi - II: Salur Kazan'ın Tutsaklığı".
  18. ^ a b Atsız 2020, p. 189.
  19. ^ Atsız 2020, p. 192.
  20. ^ Atsız 2020, pp. 192–195.
  21. ^ Bentinck, Histoire Genealogique des Tatars, 2 vols. (Leiden, 1726).
  22. ^ Abu Al Ghazi Bahadur, A History of the Turks, Moguls, and Tatars, Vulgarly called Tartars, Together with a Description of the Countries They Inhabit, 2 vols. (London, 1730)
  23. ^ Dresden, SLUB. "Kitab-i Dedem Korkut - Mscr.Dresd.Ea.86". Retrieved 26 January 2019.
  24. ^ Kitab-i Dedem Korkut – Vat. turc. 102 digital
  25. ^ Prof. Melek Erdem, Ankara University, "On the Connection with the Manuscripts of Turkmenistan Variant of Dede Korkut Epics". Journal of Modern Turkish Studies (2005), 2/4:158-188
  26. ^ "DEDE KORKUT OĞUZNAMELERİ ÜZERİNE-Günbed Nüshası Işığında-DÜZELTME TEKLİFLERİ (2)". Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi / Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature (50). Autumn 2020.
  27. ^ a b Kafadar 1995, p. [page needed].
  28. ^ a b Meeker, Michael E. (1992). "The Dede Korkut Ethic". International Journal of Middle East Studies. 24 (3): 395–417. doi:10.1017/S0020743800021954. JSTOR 164622. According to Lewis (1974), an older substratum of these oral traditions dates to conflicts between the ancient Oghuz and their Turkish rivals in Central Asia (the Pecheneks and the Kipchaks), but this substratum has been clothed in references to the 14th-century campaigns of the Akkoyunlu Confederation of Turkic tribes against the Georgians, the Abkhaz, and the Greeks in Trebizond.
  29. ^ Stanford Jay Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, Cambridge University, 1977, pg 141.
  30. ^ Lewis (1974), p. 21
  31. ^ Lewis (1974), pp. 20–21
  32. ^ Lewis (1974), pp. 22
  33. ^ Barthold (1962), pp. 5–8
  34. ^ "Report by Comrade M[ir] D[zhafar Abbasovich] Bagirov at 18th Congress of Azerbaidzhan Communist Party on the Work of the Azerbaidzhan Communist Party Central Committee," Current Digest of the Russian Press No. 24, Vol. 23 (July 28, 1951), 8.
  35. ^ "Alpamysh" entry in Bol'shaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya (the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, third edition) [1]
  36. ^ Alpamysh entry in Bol'shaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya (the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition)
  37. ^ "Dastan" in Great Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition. See also "Dastan" [2] entry in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, third edition.
  38. ^ "Dədə Qorqud" filminin sirləri: [rejissoru Tofiq Tağızadə olan eyni adlı film haqqında] //Azad Azərbaycan.- 2011.- 24 iyul.- S. 5.
  39. ^ "Address by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the celebration of the 1300th anniversary of Kitab-i Dede Qorqud". Baku. 9 April 2000. Retrieved 17 November 2022.
  40. ^ Central Bank of Azerbaijan. Commemorative coins. Coins produced within 1992–2010 Archived January 19, 2010, at the Wayback Machine: Gold and silver coins dedicated to 1300th anniversary of epos "Kitabi – Dede Gorgud". – Retrieved on 25 February 2010.
  41. ^ "Intangible Heritage: Nine elements inscribed on Representative List". UNESCO. 28 November 2018. Retrieved 2018-11-29.


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Generaal Charles de Gaulle (op de voorgrond) met rechts achter hem generaal Charles Mast voor het zomerpaleis van de Bei van Tunis (juni 1943) Tussen 1881 en 1955 was een Frans koloniaal bestuurder met de titel resident-generaal de officiële vertegenwoordiger van de Franse regering in Tunesië ten tijde van het Franse protectoraat over Tunesië. Van 1885 tot 1955 was de titel van de koloniale bestuurders minister-resident en van 1955 tot 1956 hoge commissaris. Residenten-generaal Persoon per...

Railway station in Perth, Western Australia WarnbroStation in August 2021General informationLocationSafety Bay Road, WarnbroWestern AustraliaAustraliaCoordinates32°19′35″S 115°46′04″E / 32.326395°S 115.767823°E / -32.326395; 115.767823Owned byPublic Transport AuthorityOperated byTransperth Train OperationsLine(s)     Mandurah lineDistance47.5 kilometres (29.5 mi) from PerthPlatforms2 side platformsTracks2Bus routes13Bus stands7...

Swiss painter Jean Brandenberg in Tome Quatrieme, by Jean-Baptiste Descamps, page 23 Johannes Brandenberg (1660 –1729) was a Swiss painter. Life Brandenberg was born at Zug, in Switzerland, in 1660. He was the son of Thomas Brandenberg, a painter little known, by whom he was instructed in the art. On the death of his father he was taken under the protection of the Count of Ferrara, who took him to Mantua, where he was so struck with the works of Giulio Romano that he applied himself with gr...

Conan the BarbarianPoster filmSutradara John Milius Produser Raffaella De Laurentiis Buzz Feitshans Ditulis olehKarakter:Robert E. HowardCerita:Edward Summer(tidak dikreditkan)Skenario:John MiliusOliver StonePemeranArnold SchwarzeneggerJames Earl JonesPenata musikBasil PoledourisDistributorUniversal StudiosTanggal rilis 16 Maret 1982 14 Mei 1982Durasi129 menitNegara Amerika SerikatBahasa Inggris Anggaran$20 jutaSekuelConan the DestroyerIMDbInformasi di IMDbAMGProfil All Movie Guide...

Верхнє Бургундське королівство 888 – 933 Верхнє Бургундське королівство: історичні кордони на картіБургундські землі в IX-X століттях Столиця Державний устрій Не вказано Історія  - Засновано 888  - Ліквідовано 933 Королівство Верхньої Бургу́ндії (фр. Royaume de Haute-Bou...

Cycling in Bucharest is less popular than in other European cities, in part due to the lack of cycling infrastructure and because of the low taxes for owning and driving a car. Nevertheless, cycling became increasingly common during the 2010s and thousands of cyclists participate in Critical Mass events, protesting against the Municipality of Bucharest's opposition to building segregated cycle facilities. The largest biking event is Prima Evadare (The first escape).[1] Cycle path Cycl...

Jennie McCormick im Farm Cove Observatory, 2021 Jennie Margaret McCormick (* als Jennie Brown 1963 in Wanganui) ist eine neuseeländische Amateurastronomin und Asteroidenentdeckerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Astronomie 3 Auszeichnungen 4 Weblinks 5 Einzelnachweise Leben Jennie McCormick wuchs in Wanganui auf und besuchte dort das Whanganui Girls' College. Ihre Familie zog nach Auckland, als sie 15 Jahre alt war.[1] Sie wohnt in Manukau City. Astronomie Sie ist seit 2002 Alleininha...

Suburb of City of Shoalhaven, New South Wales, AustraliaKangaroo ValleyNew South WalesMain street of Kangaroo Valley, 2006Kangaroo ValleyCoordinates34°44′S 150°32′E / 34.733°S 150.533°E / -34.733; 150.533Population879 (2016 census)[1] • Density3.434/km2 (8.893/sq mi)Established1817Elevation86 m (282 ft)Area256 km2 (98.8 sq mi)Time zoneAEST (UTC+10) • Summer (DST)AEDT (UTC+11)Location 160 km (99 ...

Outdoor adventure company based in Wales Zip WorldThe company's zip wire at Penrhyn QuarryTypePrivate limitedIndustryOutdoor amusement parksPredecessorTree Top AdventureFounded2013HeadquartersDenbigh Street, Llanrwst, Wales, LL26 0LL[1]Number of locations4 (2022)Area servedUnited KingdomKey peopleSean Taylor (owner) Zip World is a Welsh[2] outdoor adventure activity company based in Llanrwst, Wales, United Kingdom. The company operates four sites in W...

This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page from related articles; try the Find link tool for suggestions. (February 2021) The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for events. Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing reliable secondary ...

Hospital in Central Region, UgandaNaguru General HospitalUganda Ministry of Health and Kampala Capital City AuthorityGeographyLocationNaguru, Nakawa Division, Kampala, Central Region, UgandaCoordinates00°19′44″N 32°36′24″E / 0.32889°N 32.60667°E / 0.32889; 32.60667OrganisationCare systemPublicTypeGeneralServicesEmergency departmentIIIBeds100HistoryOpened2012LinksOther linksHospitals in Uganda Naguru General Hospital, also known as China-Uganda Friendship Ho...

Hotel in Cardiff, Wales Hilton CardiffThe Portland stone side of the Hilton Hotel, Cardiff, topped by a glass atriumLocation within Central CardiffGeneral informationAddressKingsway, Greyfriars RdTown or cityCardiff , WalesCountryUnited KingdomCoordinates51°28′58″N 3°10′44″W / 51.48278°N 3.17889°W / 51.48278; -3.17889OpeningDeveloped 1997-1999[1]OwnerThe Tonstate GroupManagementHilton Hotels & ResortsDesign and constructionArchitect(s)Powell Dob...

Battle between British Indian Army and Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia in 1868 This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Battle of Magdala – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Battle of MagdalaPart of the 1868 Expedition to Abys...